TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 3 天前 |
签到天数: 2066 天 [LV.Master]无
British bloodletting at its finest:
Boeing and the FAA, having held out almost to the point of ridicule, needed a face-saving reason if it was to perform a U-turn and, in the absence of recorder information, found one in a vague reference to "refined satellite data".
Caution previously considered unnecessary was suddenly in abundance, and the US side duly fell into line. But not soon enough to avoid the perception that the tails of political interest might be wagging some regulatory dogs.
Little elaboration has emerged as to why this satellite data, in itself, was sufficient to dislodge a fervent conviction that the 737 Max was sound. One enigmatic, probably unanswerable, curiosity is whether the same data would have prompted a unilateral grounding order by the FAA if there had been no rising tide of bans and prohibitions from other regulators. And if not, why not?