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分享 换手机记——火腿肠变身p6,兼p6试镜
热度 6 hanhan 2013-9-24 22:37
我是从2010年开始使用智能手机的,第一个智能手机是联想的乐phone,大概是在2010年8月份购得,大概是2000元,主要性能如下: 这个手机属于比较早期的安卓系统手机,使用了大概2年的时间,整个使用过程比较顺利,除了自身比较重,到后期速度比较(这个是正常现象)慢之外,没有特别的优缺点。更换的主要原因是手机速度较慢,不能适应越来越大的手机app; 到2012年6月份,更换为htc的one x;这个手机是当时htc的旗舰产品,大概花了3300元,在中关村买的水货好像是马来西亚生产的。 在使用初期的时候,这个手机还是比较好用,唯一的缺点是手机自带的天气系统;因为是马来西亚的,所以只能在wifi上面更新天气,不能3g网上网更新天气;一到过年过节,手机的天气软件就要罢工(我办公室有wifi,家里没有)。 另外一个问题,是360手机助手始终显示内存使用70%左右,即使关闭了所有的软件,依然不能使内存使用率降到60%以下;到后来,这个内存使用率越来越大,换手机前基本维持在80%以上;这直接导致我的手机在更换程序时出现长时间的黑屏。 到使用后期,电池(一年时间)无法维系一天的耗电量;多次出现由于电池没电,以至于很长时间我要带着一个诺基亚的老人机作为备用电池。 终于忍无可忍,决定换手机。可是选什么手机呢?苹果我是坚决不再用了,有个minipad足以教育我,这种封闭的设备实在是用着麻烦,使着操心。 剩下只能是安卓系统的手机了。最初预算是购买三星手机,大概在not2和s3里面选一个,毕竟这个性能毕竟好,但是价格也很美好;但是毕竟不甘心买韩国产品(我承认我多少歧视韩国人)。可是其他又有什么可以选择的呢?小米吗?我对这种炒作的手机多少心理有点抵触情绪。 在玫瑰灰的建议下,上个星期更换了华为的p6(白色);更换前很多人跟我说过国产手机的不靠谱,无法开机,照相功能不好,质量不稳定等等;我是做好心理准备的,理由如下: 1.只要值回票价即可,华为p6的预算在2000元上下,硬要用2000元的手机和5000元的手机比高低是不厚道的;只要她能配得上2000元的售价即可;如果我想要5000元的效果,我会去买华为5000元的手机(如果有); 2.任何品牌的设备都有故障概率,我的国行mini也存在当视频软件过大,就只能公放,不能使用耳机的毛病;虽然最后不了了之;但是如果出问题,到底便宜的中国自己的厂家。 已经试用了一个中秋节,整体感觉比想象中的好。身材小巧颜色漂亮(其实我当时也犹豫过华为的mate);电池待机时间长(估计和新机器有关系);关键是反映快,挂个QQ上个微薄,不会迅速耗电至不能容忍的水平;也不会因为切换软件有长时间的黑屏;屏幕也很清晰亮丽。 至于说照相功能,我把中秋节期间的照片传上来大家自己评判: 下面是黑豹的连拍中的相邻的两张:
个人分类: 乱七八糟|26 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 两头牛的经济学
热度 22 寞洑 2012-10-9 01:15
SOCIALISM You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM You have 2 cows The State takes both and gives you some milk. FASCISM You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk. BUREAUCRATISM You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other and then throws the milk away. TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income. VENTURE CAPITALISM You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. AN AMERICAN CORPORATION You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has died. A FRENCH CORPORATION You have two cows. You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows. AN ITALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows, but you don ’t know where they are. You decide to have lunch. A SWISS CORPORATION You have 5,000 cows. None of them belong to you. You charge the owners for storing them. A CHINESE CORPORATION You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim that you have full employment and high bovine productivity. You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation. AN INDIAN CORPORATION You have two cows. You worship them. A BRITISH CORPORATION You have two cows. Both are mad. AN IRAQI CORPORATION Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. Nobody believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country. You still have no cows but at least you are now a Democracy. AN AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate. A NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION You have two cows. The one on the left looks very attractive. A GREEK CORPORATION You have two cows borrowed from French and German banks. You eat both of them. The banks call to collect their milk, but you cannot deliver so you call the IMF. The IMF loans you two cows. You eat both of them. The banks and the IMF call to collect their cows/milk. You are out getting a haircut.
668 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 test one
卧牛 2012-8-16 01:12
test one
1 个评论
分享 萧伯纳太牛了,再抄一段儿
热度 12 胖得妙不可 2012-8-10 22:16
BARBARA. Do they obey all your orders? UNDERSHAFT. I never give them any orders. When I speak to one of them it is "Well, Jones, is the baby doing well? and has Mrs Jones made a good recovery?" "Nicely, thank you, sir." And that's all. CUSINS. But Jones has to be kept in order. How do you maintain discipline among your men? UNDERSHAFT. I don't. They do. You see, the one thing Jones won't stand is any rebellion from the man under him, or any assertion of social equality between the wife of the man with 4 shillings a week less than himself and Mrs Jones! Of course they all rebel against me, theoretically. Practically, every man of them keeps the man just below him in his place. I never meddle with them. I never bully them. I don't even bully Lazarus. I say that certain things are to be done; but I don't order anybody to do them. I don't say, mind you, that there is no ordering about and snubbing and even bullying. The men snub the boys and order them about; the carmen snub the sweepers; the artisans snub the unskilled laborers; the foremen drive and bully both the laborers and artisans; the assistant engineers find fault with the foremen; the chief engineers drop on the assistants; the departmental managers worry the chiefs; and the clerks have tall hats and hymnbooks and keep up the social tone by refusing to associate on equal terms with anybody. The result is a colossal profit, which comes to me. 这个是剧本,红字是人名。 大意是军火商讲解怎么控制他的手下:让工人、职员们自己去互相倾轧,而他这里是一团和气,最后巨额的利润就归他了
716 次阅读|6 个评论


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