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分享 部门春游
热度 1 qiuwen777 2013-5-7 13:56
公司有春游的传统。现在发展了,人数多了,也不再组织整体出游,于是把春游的组织放到各部门。 部门有170多人,组织起来也很麻烦,辛苦两位助理落实旅行社,落实地点。 做大巴去的,高速限速90,来回用了10个小时。 玩不了多少时间,除去坐车,坐船,吃饭,两天大概纯玩大概3~4个小时吧。 更多的时候在旅途,玩相机,各类单反,镜头;玩手机,各类智能机;玩各种pad,或游戏,或看电影,或上网。 于是,旅途变成了电子产品的竞赛。
430 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 春游
热度 6 水滴子 2012-5-3 20:03
“为加强学生爱国主义教育,春游是最好的教育方式” 这都哪跟哪呀。 关键是春游的内容是----集体参观动物园! 太好了,从小开始:爱动物就是爱祖国!
1038 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 又快到了春游看野花的时候了
热度 9 东湖珞珈 2012-3-12 00:45
还有两三个星期,大家可以开始准备了。 野花情报: March 9, 2012 - Patience is a virtue...... We anticipate a rainy weekend, but BEAUTIFUL weather for next week... Spring Break! Our wildflower PLANTS are up, but it is still very early for flowers. There are a few areas with plants with some blooms, but we need the warmer temps and sun. (We love all this rain as our wildflowers and green rolling hills do!) Mike Shoup, owner of Antique Rose Emporium anticipates early April for peak. However, we don't control Mother Nature.... Please be patient with our beautiful wildflowers... they will come! Check out our past year blogs and see how we compare. We will keep you up to date for the places to see the flowers as they emerge! FYI --- we have a variety of great activities all next week! Come stay with us for a Spring Break getaway! March 2, 2012 - HAPPY 176TH TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY! It is still VERY EARLY in the wildflower season, but we are seeing SOME wildflowers beginning to bloom. Take a look at these very purple Baby Blues (Nemophilia sp.) on the backside of the columns at Old Baylor Park in Independence. Another flowering wildflower dotting our roadways is the Broomweed (Guitierrezia spp.) which looks like yellow baby's breath. Livestock avoid eating the Broomweed... especially with all the beautiful green grass in the pastures. Head out to Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Park for the Texas Independence Day Celebration this weekend. It is still at least 2 weeks early for their wildflowers, but crops look promising! http://visitbrenhamtexas.com/wildflower-watch.html
877 次阅读|5 个评论


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