大闺女学校Filming专业的学生昨日在校拍电影,闺女打电话给我,兴奋得不得了,说大大过了一把拍照瘾。照片里全是朝气蓬勃八九点钟太阳般的年轻人(有不少是real actors and actresses ),真令人羡慕!我对闺女说: 现在正是“the time ofyour life”,好好享受吧! with Jackson Hinden and Sarah Yarkin with Alexander De Koning with Sarah Yarkin with Sarah Yarkin with Countney Welbon . with Sarah Yarkin and Becca Noble with Andrew Brown and Courtney Welbon This girl was beautiful, so I took superfluous photos of her (not creepy at all). — with Sarah Yarkin. with Becca Noble Time Travel 这部电影是为高校电影节准备的其中一部,大闺女说其它系的同学也可参与拍摄。 大闺女很想参加,但功课忙,所以要看情况而定。 http://mul1.tximg.cn/music/group/bbs/mp3/32/100314/1268565262363.mp3