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本帖最后由 李根 于 2013-2-19 18:14 编辑
' t2 y9 A* |- V* f* V9 A& }4 ~& B4 x! O
这个事情很搞笑,根据美国人自己说的,死在朝鲜的其实真的只有36,576人,这些人都有详细名单和阵亡时间。但为什么有54,246这个数字呢?是因为朝鲜战争的三年间,在战场以外的其他世界各地,另有17,670美军死亡。1 a/ L9 I0 M( y9 N
% K4 j. R x9 l3 o4 N1 ^这就神奇了,1950年到1953年,美国只卷入了朝鲜战争这一场大规模冲突,当时世界上其他地方打仗不关美军的事情啊!一万七千美军到底是怎么死的呢?莫非美军还同时秘密抵抗了外星人入侵,牵扯了美军的大部分军力,所以朝鲜战场上只好应付两下,战线就停在三八线了。8 r9 E9 y" K6 x0 O) C
0 Q4 e/ f0 a' R: W- `于是有人问说,这17,670人的名单有木有?
" {4 s6 s4 k* j9 h% n7 X; ?4 L- R A
+ p1 J. q) B: v. Q2 l7 h国防部的回答是现在没有。正在编纂中,请等候。。。
$ i: Q: C# C% x, i5 L
9 E: j( D& Y# f7 N' n: e俺的理解是,这些人都是后送到日本或者更后方的医疗单位后死亡的。第一,美军为了尽量减少战场死亡的数字,给战场死亡定的定义很严格,得是当场被打死或者受伤后在送到医疗单位之前死的。
+ ^' C: r A8 W* V- l* k
2 r3 ]0 K6 R3 L; b2 C+ @A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other than the victim of a terrorist activity, who is killed outright or who dies as a result of wounds or other injuries before reaching a medical treatment facility.
8 p% x9 N, v/ X" r% P! |) \' E) q+ q; ?& ?5 p
7 I& [' O6 H; W/ E
+ e; g9 A. |, B! m: A. aKIAs do not come from incidents such as accidental vehicle crashes and other "non-hostile" events or terrorism." d! ^1 D0 u6 H% `
* X" E2 _* \5 W! i, T: K# G如果被炮弹炸成碎片呢?或者被俘虏之后再无下落呢?那得是失踪(MIA,Missing In Action),朝鲜战争MIA总共是8,177,这当然是不计在阵亡的数字内的。
& ?) `+ ~: I( ]. w* B1 u E* G$ C% m
- F7 b& s( U3 F% }: C' E, J1 j
- d7 x; I" B2 I3 DKorean War Casualty/Fatality Information
, l$ F e+ u9 |! G% K/ g v# F. `! C+ p6 b+ z; m
According to recent Department of Defense statistics, a total of 36,576 Americans died while serving in the Korean War. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of misinformation about the casualty figures for the Korean War. This is caused by the fact that casualty statistics recorded by the US government for that time period are generally of a global nature. One frequently sees the casualty figures for the war at 54,246. That is because the statistics also include 17,670 deaths that occurred outside of the Korean theater of battle. (For example, a person killed in an accident in Germany while the war was going on in Korea is considered by the government to be a "Korean War casualty.")
+ X" W# D- t# W7 i0 i/ {/ O5 a7 v* H7 p3 l9 R" C
A numerical breakdown of the 1950-1953 Korean War casualties can be found at:. L4 A% L5 `: u* ?' E/ `
http://siadapp.dmdc.osd.mil/personnel/CASUALTY/korea.pdf. (Or Here) Each number is backed up with a name on a published roster maintained by DOD. All dates of death are based on the actual "date of incident." The roster of 36,576 names for the 1950-1953 period contains hundreds of changes and corrections, superseding all previous published DOD rosters, now archived at NARA. However, the archived rosters are useful for historical research.5 @* E/ z% I9 R
; a7 N6 u/ z7 [( s4 BThe March 2004 DOD roster is available at Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate of Information Operations Reports, Department of Defense Comments@dior.whs.mil. The American Battle Monuments Commission relies on the DOD roster to feed its Interactive Computer System at the kiosk at the KWVM in D.C. and for their website at www.abmc.gov.% r2 @- V# k! ^2 c5 a
/ e# L8 C" O3 K
With respect to the 17,670 worldwide deaths, the DOD has not compiled a roster to date. The DOD may have these names, or most of them. A spokesman for DOD DIOR has indicated that his office is working with the Armed Services to compile this information.
0 l) G$ F4 ~; u$ P5 T" A7 a0 u' y
The following are links to older works and information on the subject of Korean War casualties/fatalities, which provide broad and/or specific details on the subject. |