维基上有这一段:Stephen Jay Gould's 2003 book The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister's Pox provides a different perspective. Assuming the dialectical interpretation, it argues that Snow's concept of "two cultures" is not only off the mark, it is a damaging and short-sighted viewpoint; and that it has perhaps led to decades of unnecessary fence-building. Gould持辩证的观点,认为Snow的两种文化的概念不但失准,而且是有害和短视的,还有可能导致长期的不必要的隔阂。对此,我既深表赞同,同时也认为Snow确实揭示了一些现实存在的问题。这个问题恐怕就是辩证法适用的领域之一。搜索“爱因斯坦+人文”可见科学和人文不应该是割裂的。