老兵帅客 发表于 2016-7-1 06:32:48

绿梧桐 发表于 2016-6-26 21:18


老兵帅客 发表于 2016-7-1 06:34:21

东湖珞珈 发表于 2016-6-26 22:11
比如说俺们这旮瘩,如果发生啥案子有枪支卷入或者枪击这种严重的问题,如果受害者还有命拨打911,那按照 ...


老兵帅客 发表于 2016-7-1 06:40:35

南京老萝卜 发表于 2016-6-28 00:31

有个问题是接着你回答大哈瑞的。假如警察接到报警,7分钟内赶到现场,在警察赶来之前受害者 ...


yh75847584 发表于 2016-7-1 10:16:28


楚天 发表于 2016-7-1 10:21:23

tanis 发表于 2016-6-30 17:21
刚刚没注意是方的啊~~ 所以我就感觉这个是国内不太了解情况的人看的嘛~~


gfsun 发表于 2022-5-28 13:15:29

Dracula 发表于 2016-6-28 08:18
这种有道理的围而不打当然是告不了,要是这个市政府还要赔偿的话那警察就没法干了。我以为南京老萝卜是指 ...


晨枫 发表于 2022-5-28 14:22:33


sumigdai 发表于 2022-5-28 14:23:42

莳萝 发表于 2016-6-27 10:09
前两天看一条趣闻,一个美国男人因为救人有擦伤,救护车来了他就要了瓶水冲洗伤口,然后收 ...

只要不上救护车,EMS就不能收钱的,上了救护车,基本费就是一千多,大部分保险自付差不多就是一百多。绝大部分的EMS Call基本都拉不到客,所以成本摊到拉到客的那几趟自然高得离谱。

tangotango 发表于 2022-5-28 15:46:51


雨楼 发表于 2022-5-28 16:38:22

老兵帅客 发表于 2016-6-25 17:24


There is no binding case across Canada that positively decides that police are under no legal duty to individual members of the public, but that's the trend.

I'm aware of some past rumblings in lower courts that once implied otherwise: e.g. DeHeus v. Niagara Regional Police Services Board and Traversy v. Smith, but those cases didn't have any legs, and the Court of Appeal for Ontario has basically shut down any momentum they generated there.

Right now, Canadian law recognizes a couple of torts committed by police toward suspects and accused persons but not to individual members of the public. I would think that would open the floodgates to litigation. Using the example of Ontario's Police Services Act, police are under such general duties as preserving the peace, preventing crime, assisting victims of crime, and apprehending criminals, but that doesn't seem to translate into a cause of action brought by individuals against police services for the services' failure to take appropriate steps in a call.

Here's where we're at right now: in one case called Hill v. Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police Services Board, the Supreme Court of Canada specifically left open the question of whether police owe a duty to victims of crime the same way they owe a duty of care to suspects. in another case called Norris v. Gatien, the Court of Appeal for Ontario decided that police defendants did not owe duties of care individually to victims -- investigation of crime was done in the public interest.

So back to that case you cite. One of the police's main errors was the 911 dispatcher erring in the way information was relayed to responding units, resulting in further horrors being committed against some victims. It does not appear that such victims, were they in Canada, could successfully sue the police

charge 发表于 2022-5-28 17:36:24

老兵帅客 发表于 2016-6-26 06:42

纳税人花了那么多的钱养警察,来了坏人却不 ...

发生在我朋友店里, 歹徒把刀架到小女生脖子上,抢钱。顾客急忙跑出去,不远停了辆警车,敲玻璃报警。警察大爷说:我下班了,你打电话报警吧。
还有更离奇的, 骗子成功诈骗店员一次,老板发觉后设计陷阱,抛出大萝卜引诱骗子回来。第二天把骗子拖在店里。保安公司按事前约定通知警局,结果警察40分钟还不到,骗子发觉不对,飞奔而去。1小时后,警察到场,很不满意:这种事银行会赔你的,报什么警。

九天揽月 发表于 2022-5-28 22:00:07

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