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[经济] 神仙与小鬼



 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-5 22:55:34 | 只看该作者
liuqing098 发表于 2018-2-5 04:34
7 V  ~0 q# K8 W7 @8 R) Z看晨大说C919的意思,就是把国内对支线市场先吃下了也是好的。能够拿下一点也是好的。有一个问题要请教的 ...
0 d& H% t7 H+ N- s; m0 S- g% g7 M


 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-5 22:57:04 | 只看该作者
然后203 发表于 2018-2-5 08:514 G" L  a5 W" h9 |, o
中海油收购Nexen是为什么?没什么优势可以用于整合这块资源吧。我觉得不管从战略还是i战术上都看不出什么 ...

/ x. d3 f0 Y; s7 E) J油价崩盘前,中国对全世界所有油气资源都热衷,对Nexen的页岩油气资源和技术的兴趣很自然。
  • TA的每日心情

    2019-4-29 10:00
  • 签到天数: 556 天


    发表于 2018-2-5 23:00:41 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2018-2-5 22:57: ^# c$ v, ^3 B8 H
    油价崩盘前,中国对全世界所有油气资源都热衷,对Nexen的页岩油气资源和技术的兴趣很自然。 ...

    / k4 {, a: ~1 R( d饥不择食也不能顾头不顾腚啊,又没有人跟他抢,所以说官僚们的逻辑咱们不懂……


     楼主| 发表于 2018-2-5 23:06:33 | 只看该作者
    然后203 发表于 2018-2-5 09:00* b& h9 {- {5 n
    饥不择食也不能顾头不顾腚啊,又没有人跟他抢,所以说官僚们的逻辑咱们不懂…… ...
    ; z7 z" h/ m4 z6 f* Y


    还有GE~~  发表于 2018-2-6 02:22
  • TA的每日心情

    2019-4-29 10:00
  • 签到天数: 556 天


    发表于 2018-2-5 23:24:51 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2018-2-5 23:06) q  g$ H) B* @) b- c' V! @
    事后诸葛亮是最容易的。中海油买Nexen的时候,也是加拿大页岩油、油砂油股价最高的时候。就当时来看,看 ...
    : r8 c1 R: q. H6 t


     楼主| 发表于 2018-2-6 00:00:00 | 只看该作者
    然后203 发表于 2018-2-5 09:24; \- N" d4 w. ?$ H# M

    # ?% D' R% B4 g) F; y高位、低位都是相对的。只有没有更高的高位了,才成为低位。在中海油买Nexen的时候,如果有人能可靠地看到(而不是瞎猜)马上到来的低位,那他可是可以发到昏死过去了。


    这句话要mark一个:P  发表于 2018-2-9 11:14
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-1 15:58
  • 签到天数: 120 天


    发表于 2018-2-8 12:08:51 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 最爱睡睡睡 于 2018-2-8 12:10 编辑 ) u7 H- G1 S- g
    晨枫 发表于 2018-2-6 00:004 \' P* x( n5 }2 e! z% b
    高位、低位都是相对的。只有没有更高的高位了,才成为低位。在中海油买Nexen的时候,如果有人能可靠地看 ...
    # I, Z0 G( l( x1 i4 j

    $ x0 U! M, i' F& e. A2 e这个说法我赞成,就像比特币现在跌倒了六千多,你说那帮子一万不卖的是不是傻子?
  • TA的每日心情
    7 天前
  • 签到天数: 2069 天


    发表于 2018-2-12 10:46:39 | 只看该作者


     楼主| 发表于 2018-2-12 11:18:25 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2018-2-11 20:46
    1 i1 X1 c) @! ehttps://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeings-biggest-trade-fight-could-spark-a-u-s ...
    - _  d: @/ L, e: k0 Z) h3 b
  • TA的每日心情
    7 天前
  • 签到天数: 2069 天


    发表于 2018-2-12 11:21:03 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2018-2-11 19:18
    $ Y, r, G/ V- U$ Z6 U7 @打吧打吧,不打都不知道MAD真是MAD。

    6 ^/ T+ a# ]5 |; s小鬼都是不上台面的,只有神仙决斗才好看


     楼主| 发表于 2018-2-12 11:39:48 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2018-2-11 21:21; m: V% S  Z" r  {8 p4 ^: I. L
    % ~. Q, X7 w) g, N8 K5 Z' w* O# B
  • TA的每日心情
    7 天前
  • 签到天数: 2069 天


    发表于 2018-2-21 06:47:30 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 holycow 于 2018-2-20 14:49 编辑
    , e5 T8 d; X7 f9 j
    & o( h: X' ~( V7 c* VBoeing displaces Airbus at Hawaiian, wins 787-9 deal; airline cancels A330-800 order- k8 u* k% R& D  y6 ~3 r
    Feb. 20, 2018, © Leeham Co.:
    ) C1 I6 p5 W) r8 L
    * P3 ~' a$ ~1 N0 f' ZBoeing has displaced Airbus at Hawaiian Airlines, winning an order for 787-9s. Hawaiian canceled an order for six A330-800s, the only order on the books for this sub-type.6 x8 R& n  [0 H5 X& V

    : x, H. o# A$ {; m9 ]6 {0 V$ Q4 WAn announcement could come as early as this week.
    7 U2 n9 c' C+ o. p. F4 j3 g
    2 t) r  v- [; GThe campaign has been underway for months and the outcome was expected. Airbus offered to cut the price on the -800 and also offered the A350-900. The latter always was considered too big by carrier executives., X6 u* E: [, D
    + O/ s( m$ i* p7 M
    Boeing’s effort to displace Airbus A330neo at Hawaiian is part of an all-out, hand-to-hand combat campaign by Boeing to kill the A330neo program in advance of the potential launch of the Boeing 797.
    " U2 x1 \3 Q9 i$ h% g, [! U6 S: ]* r  N; n9 F3 x
    Information obtained by LNC over several months, concurrent with the Hawaiian contest, indicated Boeing appeared to be winning over airline executives.
    ! k+ C1 F- P( i+ V/ F  t: s: L% X& a. A& C6 N3 h, J; C. p
    Although not directly related to the campaign, Boeing Capital Corp agreed to release Hawaiian from three 767-300ER leases well in advance of the termination dates. Hawaiian’s desires to exit the 767 fleet had been stated publicly many times.
    ) y. i0 L# N* L3 l
    " c! k# t. x- z3 J. F# O6 N8 lThe airplanes are going to United Airlines. This was described to LNC as not a sweetener to win the 787 order, but the favor by BCC clearly was a psychological link. BCC was under no obligation to terminate the leases early., j2 N# O) F) W. L, ^, j
    ! v0 @# @- `  {% K- `6 @+ ]$ M9 d
    LNC is told Boeing “was determined to win at any cost.” Boeing bid below Airbus’ cost of building the airplanes, LNC is told, though it’s unclear whether this was below the cost of the A330-800 or the A350-900. Since Hawaiian wanted out of the A330 contract, because it was the only customer for the airplane, the context suggest the Boeing price was below the cost of the A350-900.8 G  `: f0 G' A2 T

    5 `* j" W! }9 N, m1 R6 u. LThis form of aggressive pricing by Boeing and the desire to keep a competitor out of the US has parallels to the trade complaint Boeing filed against Bombardier over the Delta Air Lines CSeries order.* S/ J9 H0 A5 V6 E; e
    : ]) ]. S: E- K) [1 e
    Boeing acknowledged it offered extremely aggressive pricing to sell 65 737-700s to United Airlines to block a sale by BBD to UA for the CS100. Although Boeing wasn’t even in the competition that was being run between BBD and Embraer, Boeing swooped in with an offer for a reported $22m and won the order. (Ancillary deals involving the 777-300ER and the 787 were also involved, LNC was told at the time.); d; e) U, ]% U# Q& c
    & j+ Z& W* x2 F9 F; \
    At Delta, Boeing—which didn’t offer any 737 in this competition—charged Bombardier with price dumping. Bombardier responded that it was a special launch customer price for a key airline in the US market.) [+ i. }, ], S$ c- ?

    1 b$ G, |# H! G% e8 d' m  kBoeing argued that launch customer pricing for an eight-year old aircraft program is nonsense. But the 787 program is now 14 years old and if the alleged pricing below the cost to produce the Airbus is true, then Boeing offered the 787-9 for something less than $115m and perhaps less than $100m1 X+ _$ z. i# e6 _& j, h# T# C
    ( O0 _5 D, }  a
    The normal sales price of a 787-9 is in the $125m range, market intelligence indicates. The cost to produce a 787-9 is now believed to be between $80m and $90m, Wall Street analysts suggest.$ i5 F+ N  [6 V% c
    & `2 s/ X" o' }6 m8 o. {' i  p
    Boeing made a similarly aggressive move to persuade another A330neo customer to switch. AirAsiaX has 60 A330-900s on order, a big chunk of the backlog. If Boeing succeed in persuading AirAsiaX to switch, the A330neo program would have been seriously hurt." f# w: I$ i5 f2 H; G4 b7 g- [% E
    * o" n6 x. n" i. j& A8 P! b
    The airline announced at the Singapore Air Show it was sticking with the A330neo.' [$ N, }4 S  m# ^

    1 W% W- Q' p! s, g: IAs LNC described in its Feb. 8 post, Airbus hopes to sell the A330neo to United and American Airlines. Boeing wants the carriers to be launch customers for the 797. If Boeing wins these two campaigns, the A330neo will be dealt a serious blow.


     楼主| 发表于 2018-2-21 07:26:42 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2018-2-20 16:47
    ! \& r3 r% Q. O; N9 jBoeing displaces Airbus at Hawaiian, wins 787-9 deal; airline cancels A330-800 order
    ) A& l0 c6 J" @& N( sFeb. 20, 2018,  ...

    ; v, t1 k! E& z8 M$ F扼杀-800对波音很重要,不然-800和A321LR(或者A322)夹攻,MOM就玄了。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-9-11 12:27
  • 签到天数: 38 天


    发表于 2018-2-22 06:33:24 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2018-2-6 00:00/ X9 V& ^. Z) p+ ~
    高位、低位都是相对的。只有没有更高的高位了,才成为低位。在中海油买Nexen的时候,如果有人能可靠地看 ...

    7 J7 g* I; I/ n( L& I8 s+ Y' \# c从2003年起,犹太人靠着哄抬油价和各类原材料的价格来吸中国人的血,真的是很过分。2010年的时候,看到国内城市到处都是高架桥,桥上的汽车往来穿梭,当时感觉这个油价是真的下不来了。没想到十年的高油价把老毛子的胆喂肥了,在乌克兰,克里米亚搞起了大动作,犹太人只能慌慌张张地去打压油价。这下子,大家都看清楚了,这个油价其实是被金融投机家们在操控着。这些投机者和古希腊古罗马的商人一样的德性,都是作死到底的货色。


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