TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
签到天数: 1017 天 [LV.10]大乘
平沙落雁 发表于 2014-5-6 08:39 ; Y- y% X- r, ?7 P+ `; h$ o
罗先生在告诉简爱阿黛尔身世时已经非常明确地指出,阿黛尔根本不是他的私生女,跟他半毛钱关系都木有,是 ...
2 Z! {6 g2 c1 ]" {- i这是原文。& J2 w2 M1 b ]2 u9 \+ k. L" E
4 F& s8 U$ {7 [$ s! X$ Y4 t V Z
He then said that she was the daughter of a French opera-dancer, Celine Varens, towards whom he had once cherished what he called a "grande passion." This passion Celine had professed to return with even superior ardour. He thought himself her idol, ugly as he was: he believed, as he said, that she preferred his "taille d'athlete" to the elegance of the Apollo Belvidere.7 N9 o! @ p. K
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"And, Miss Eyre, so much was I flattered by this preference of the Gallic sylph for her British gnome, that I installed her in an hotel; gave her a complete establishment of servants, a carriage, cashmeres, diamonds, dentelles, &c. In short, I began the process of ruining myself in the received style, like any other spoony.7 I; y& V; j5 i! k
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Celine Varens是Rochester的情妇。
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But unluckily the Varens, six months before, had given me this filette Adele, who, she affirmed, was my daughter; and perhaps she may be, though I see no proofs of such grim paternity written in her countenance: Pilot is more like me than she. Some years after I had broken with the mother, she abandoned her child, and ran away to Italy with a musician or singer. I acknowledged no natural claim on Adele's part to be supported by me, nor do I now acknowledge any, for I am not her father; but hearing that she was quite destitute, I e'en took the poor thing out of the slime and mud of Paris, and transplanted it here, to grow up clean in the wholesome soil of an English country garden.. Z8 I7 S7 ]+ ~
9 ?: U7 T- v, Q: `Adele是Celine Varens是Rochester情妇的时候生的。Celine认为是Rochester的孩子。罗切斯特嘴上说不是的理由就是Celine 很可能那时和别的男人也有关系,再就是他觉得Adele和自己长得不像。但是那时没有DNA测试,他又怎么能肯定Adele不是他的孩子呢?我觉得Adele是Rochester私生女的可能性大于50%,他的这段推卸责任的话让我对其有些鄙夷。) {$ J+ t/ \& W/ H l, `
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