本帖最后由 oldnew 于 2013-10-4 00:23 编辑
山菊 发表于 2013-4-3 01:49 ![]()
到这里来的朋友大多是想轻松一下,除非迫在眉睫,再让大家读比较专业的理论书籍恐怕不太现实。如果你有类 ...
最近在 Learned Optimism By Martin Seligman. 书还没读完. 这本书较为平易近人. 作者号称正面心理学之父( Positive Psychology).
他认为 儿童对事件的解释方式 ( explanatory style) 受到家长,老师,及早期生活中的不幸事件影响.
所谓的解释方式是说我们如何理解发生在我们身上的坏事(好事). 如果我们认定坏事( Bad) 是长期(Permanent, PmB),广泛(Pervasive, PvB) 和因为本人(Personal internal PsB), 我们会比较悲观, 自信不足. 作者把 PvB+PmB 构成希望指数. 如果我们人为坏事是长期且广泛的,我们会陷入无助的困境.
作者试图教人们通过改变对好事/坏事的解释方式, 改变人们的无助心理, 从悲观走向乐观.
Martin Seligman, a renowned psychologist and clinical researcher, has been studying optimists and pessimists for 25 years. Pessimists believe that bad events are their fault, will last a long time, and undermine everything. They feel helpless and may sink into depression, which is epidemic today, especially among youths. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge--it doesn't knock them down. "Pessimism is escapable," asserts Seligman, by learning a new set of cognitive skills that will enable you to take charge, resist depression, and make yourself feel better and accomplish more.
About two-thirds of this book is a psychological discussion of pessimism, optimism, learned helplessness (giving up because you feel unable to change things), explanatory style (how you habitually explain to yourself why events happen), and depression, and how these affect success, health, and quality of life. Seligman supports his points with animal research and human cases. He includes tests for you and your child--whose achievement may be related more to his or her level of optimism/pessimism than ability. The final chapters teach the skills of changing from pessimism to optimism, with worksheet pages to guide you and your child. --Joan Price --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.