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[舌尖上的爱坛] 南洋风味【鱼头咖喱】FishHeadCurry

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-9 07:17
  • 签到天数: 2 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-1-5 02:19:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


    Fish head curry is a very popular dish in Malaysia and Singapore. A dish I often order whenever we eat out in the restaurant, the use of a combination of various spices and herbs create a very rich and palatable experience.

    1 只鱼头 (我用了三文鱼头)
    1 只茄子 (切长条状)
    2 根 豇豆 (切长条状)
    1 把腐竹
    3-4 豆腐泡 (切半)
    2-3 大勺 鱼类咖喱粉
    1/2 小勺 姜黄粉
    1 1/2 小勺 食盐
    1 杯 的 椰浆

    3 只 红葱头
    2 瓣 蒜
    2 只 红辣椒
    5 只 红辣椒干(或 3-4 大勺的辣椒粉)
    1/2 小勺 虾酱 (Belacan)
    1/3 杯的 食油(炒辣椒酱用)

    1 Fish head (I used Salmon)
    1 Chinese/Japanese Eggplant  (Cut into 2 inches long pieces)
    2 Long beans (Cut into 2 inches long)
    1 bunch of dried Bean Curd
    3-4 Tofu puff (Halved)
    2-3 tbsp of Fish Curry powder
    1/2 tsp of Turmeric Powder
    1 1/2 tsp of salt
    1 cup of coconut milk/cream

    Ingredients to be blend into paste with little wate:
    3 Shallot
    2 Cloves of garlic
    2 Fresh red chili
    5 Dried Chili (or 3-4 tbsp of Chili powder)
    1/2 tsp of Belacan
    3 tbsp of oil

    3 tbsp of Sambal Tumis

    1. 把鱼头切半,洗净沥干水后抹上小半勺的姜黄粉和小半勺盐腌制十分钟。

    2. 锅里热上一杯油,把鱼头入锅炸成金黄色。取出滴干油备用。

    3. 把茄子切对半后再对半,切成长条状,入油锅炸软滴干油备用, 把腐竹炸酥,取出备用。把豇豆切两寸长备用。

    4. 另一口锅里倒入3大勺食油,把辣椒糊中火煮至边上泛油取 2-3大勺的 多用途叁巴辣椒酱,煮至边上泛油,加入2-3大勺的鱼类咖喱粉,煸炒香。

    5. 锅里加入一杯水,煮滚后加入豆腐泡和豆腐皮,煮两三分钟。

    1. Clean and halved the fish head, marinate the fish head with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and 1/2 tsp of salt for 10 minutes.

    2. Heat up about 1 cup of oil and deep fried the fish head until golden brown in color. Take the fish head out and drain.

    3. Fry the eggplant until soft and bean curd until crispy,  drain and keep aside, break the bean curd into 2 inches in length.

    4. Heat about 3 tbsp of oil in a cooking pot, add the blended chili paste OR 2-3 tbsp of Chili paste/Sambal Tumis and cooked until oil releases at the edge of the paste, add 2-3 tbsp of fish curry powder, fry for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.

    5. Add 1 cup of water to the paste, bring to boil and add halved tofu puff and fried bean curd and cook for 2-3 minutes.

    6. 取一只砂锅把刚刚煮好的咖喱汤倒入锅里,把炸好的鱼头和椰奶加入煮滚,加入茄子和豇豆煮2-3分钟,加盐调味即可上桌。

    6. Transfer the curry to a clay pot and bring to boil, add the fish head and coconut milk, season with salt. Add long bean and eggplant, boil for another 2-3 minutes, serve hot with steamed rice.



    参与人数 5爱元 +30 收起 理由
    colin1992 + 8
    mezhan + 2
    齐若散 + 10
    MacArthur + 6
    舒拔 + 4



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