2015-1-2 姐姐在申请加州艺术学院,在做最后的参赛作品,自己缝制了小人和动物,制作成动漫,截止日期是一月五号。网上狗一狗,两年前有如下的QA: Q:雨馒头 2013-01-01 11:54:04 2013年打算去美国读艺术本科,非常想去Calarts读动画啊...有木有前辈知道关于申请Calarts的相关经验或者作品集的要求?另外就是Calarts有ED吗?而且听说这所学校非常难申啊...是肖想了很久的 dream school,非常希望能得到帮助啊!!好人一生平安! A:Kenvi在远方 (砍威公子) 2013-01-01 13:42:15 去官网上有作品集要求,动画系分实验性动画和角色性动画,实验性动画缈似有很多写作要求,角色性动画要寄速写本,而且对人体动态的速写要求很高,包括手的画法。最好有动画作品,如果没有的话作品集必须非常厉害,Calarts没有ED,提前申请回减免申请费~。如果要学动画,做好一周三天天天熬夜的准备,那过程是异常的艰难,特别是角色性动画,每一个动作必须要手画的~~ 其实官网上加州艺术学院的实验性动漫并不是全美第一,罗德岛设计学院要更胜一筹,加州艺术学院的老师认为姐姐申请实验性动漫更为合适,加州艺术学院角色性动漫的要求如下: Part I. Observational Figure / Life Drawings (minimum 15 drawings): Examples - 1) Figure / life drawings of human models. These observational drawings should range from short pose lengths (gesture drawings) to longer pose lengths, and should indicate the models' hands, feet, and faces. Drawings of nude human models are preferred, but costume drawings may also be included. Applicants to the Character Animation program should ideally have at least one year's worth of experience studying figure / life drawing. 2) Drawings of people and animals from life that explore elements like shape, form, contour, and contrast. 3) Drawings of interior environments and exterior landscapes that showcase depth, ambiance, and mood. 4) Do not erase your construction lines –– they are especially helpful to the faculty in understanding your approach to observational drawing. 5) Do not submit traced pictures or copies of work by others. Part II. Sketchbook / Visual Diary (filled or completed sketchbook): Examples - 1)Sketches from your everyday life. 2) Drawings that illustrate film ideas and story concepts. 3) Thumbnails of scenes that you plan to animate one day. 4) Random jottings that interest you. 5) Character designs. 5) Studies of images from films or other sources you like. Part III. Other Work: Include any combination of the following: 1) Sequential image storytelling: Work that showcases your ability to tell a story and develop a character. For example: storyboards, graphic novels, comics, flipbooks, or short stories with thumbnails. 2) Digital creative work (animated or still): Creative work that you produce, or manipulate, in one or more computer programs. This might take the form of 2D digital art or computer graphics (CG). 3) Photographs. 4) Paintings. 5) Sculptures. 6) Installations. 7) Murals. 8) Character designs. 9) Cartoons. 10) Caricatures. 11) Provide urls to online presence (blogs, tumblr), if applicable. List urls on an attached .pdf in your online portfolio submission.
2015-12-20 今天陪 下午 家领导在逛街的时候,姐姐来短信说,她被芝加哥艺术学院录取了!说学校提供的优等生奖学金加上根据学生家庭需要而提供的奖学金,应该满足所有的费用还有剩余。 开始我们都不相信,因为根本不知道姐姐申请过这个学校,虽然这个学校广告做的很厉害,经常在网上举办大学申请和奖学金申请讲座,帮她报过名听讲座,姐姐也仅听过一次,后来就没有再感兴趣过。学校寄来的伊妹儿和信件,我们也基本上全部删除或随手就丢进了废纸回收框,没想到姐姐自己倒没有忘记,回来就给我们看他收到的学校寄来的录取通知包裹。 一个防水的橙色的大信封,上面写着大大的“CONGRATS”和“Welcome to America‘s Most Influential Art and Design School”以及“150 Years of SAIC - School of The Art Institute of Chicago”等字样。里面是一个设计精致的文件夹,文件夹里有二十几页信或学校的情况介绍,其中最重要的两封信,一封是招生办主任Asia Mitchell亲笔签名的录取通知书,日期是12月2号,须知芝加哥艺术学院的提早申请(EA)日期是12月1号。一封是芝加哥艺术学院专管招生的副校长Rose Milkowski女士亲笔签写的,给姐姐提供的校长优等生奖学金的信,日期是12月16号。四年总金额10万零八百美金,平均每年两万五千二百块。 姐姐说,前一段芝加哥艺术学院招生办的人到她们学校来面谈,姐姐和招生办的人见过面,招生办的人说从姐姐这里学到很多东西,姐姐可以到他们学校当教授等等。前几天芝加哥艺术学院还来信邀请她一月份去学校参加一个讲座,后来还打过来一个电话,都被我在不经意间给拒绝了。所以姐姐说她早就知道这个学校会录取她,等等等等。 赶紧上网查一查,原来这芝加哥艺术学院的研究生院,在著名的美国新闻和世界报导全美最佳艺术类院校排名中,和罗德岛设计学院并列排名第二,仅次于耶鲁大学,2015-16年学费和生活费加起来差不多五万七千一百多块钱,校长奖学金的资助金额,是学生所需学费的50%: SAIC annually awards a substantial number of undergraduate, merit-based scholarships to new students. All students who have successfully completed the admission process by the priority deadline are automatically considered for merit scholarships. Recipients are selected through a holistic review of each student's academic history, portfolio, and statement of intent. Students considered for a merit scholarship may receive one of the scholarships listed below 1) Presidential; 2) Distinguished; 3) Honors; 4)Recognition; 5)Incentive; 6)Enrichment。 Presidential scholarship recipients are selected during the admissions process . The scholarship covers 50 percent of tuition and is awarded in combination with need-based aid. 另外,芝加哥艺术学院每年还从30-40名申请者中,授予一到两名学生,资助额3万3千美元的奖学金: SAIC receives 30 to 40 requests for Tuition Exchange scholarships each year and is able to award one to two. The annual scholarship amount is determined by the consortium on a yearly basis. For the 2014–15 academic year, the set amount is $32,500 and for the 2015–16 academic year, the set amount is $33,000. 在芝加哥艺术学院毕业的知名校友中,也有迪斯尼公园的创始人和中国诗人闻一多。 当然这所艺术学校,比MIT和芝加哥等综合性大学,在名气和录取难度上都差很多,和罗德岛设计学院和卡耐基梅隆大学相比,也难望他们的后背。可是这些学校,学费都很贵,靠工资生活的中产阶级们,有点儿吃不消啊!