不会贴视频。 标题是: EPIC CATCH!!! Dashing Thru the Snow - CN Train 406 West at Salisbury, NB (Feb 3, 2015) 油管的链接: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Yja2VmZOfdA 截了一张图: 就这个样子,持续了恨不得有一分钟——盲开!也不知道司机哆嗦不哆嗦。我反正心里直哆嗦。 终于知道圣诞歌曲《铃儿响叮当》里唱的Dashing through the snow,是什么画面了~ 圣诞老人也怪辛苦滴~
“你穿上点儿,”他摸了摸她裸露的臂膊——热的,于是咽下去了后面的话。 “为什么?”她故意问。 “冷啊!” “谁冷啊?”她夸张地看看他穿着的长袖绒衣。 “唉,”他无奈地摇头。她总是故意不听他的话。 屋里摄氏21度左右,平时至少要穿长袖衣服。如果不活动,穿毛衣、棉衣都不会嫌热。那她为什么忽然穿着短袖做饭、吃饭?因为她刚刚出去跟大雪奋战了半个小时。 今天有大雪警报,从下午/傍晚开始下,明天更甚。预计是今年最大、甚至是几年来都数得着的大雪。大约是天擦黑的时候开始下的,不一会儿就积了挺厚的一层。 他早就替她想好了:不用扫雪,反正还得下呢,只要扫出来两条窄“路”,让他能把车开进车库就够了,免得把雪压成车辙就不好扫了。(她从没摆弄过铲雪机——那是他的玩具;每次需要她扫时,只能是手动/人力扫雪。) 下班后,在他以双倍于平时所用时间,终于快开到家的时候,按照约定他打进电话:可以开始扫雪了。她出门一看,大雪仍然细细密密地下着,只两三个小时的时间,雪已经积了两三寸厚,一撮就是一尺多高。这要是一直下到明天晚上,到时候恐怕连门都出不去了,扫都没法扫了。还好雪不湿,不沉,相对好扫,风也不大,于是她决定,把车道全部扫出来。 那雪只撮个一米多长就超出了“雪锹”的高度,不好推了,所以在宽度上要推四次,最后一次是靠扬的,才能把雪堆在车道的一侧(另外一侧不方便堆雪)。在他半小时后到达大门的时候,她已经在车道上堆出了三尺来宽、二尺多高的长长的“雪丘”。活儿还差最后一两米没弄完,他一边下来帮她推雪,一边说:“不是让你只扫出两窄条路,能把车开进来就行了吗?明天大家都在家工作,到时候我用铲雪机扫。” 她指着“扫过”的地方又积起来的雪说:“你看看,就这个速度,明天的雪不知道得多厚呢,我都发愁再扫出来的雪往哪里堆!先扫一遍是一遍,腾出地方来让它接着下。”再指着大堆大堆的雪:“就这雪丘,明天如果冻结实了,你再想扫,即使用铲雪机,恐怕也铲不动了。” “那好,趁你做饭的工夫,我就去开铲雪机,把这雪先铲到地里去。” 进得屋来,她的头发上、衣服上,抖下来一层雪。虽然外面温度是零下好几度(-6C左右),但因为出力,她反而觉得热。于是穿着短袖就在厨房忙碌起来。 早准备好的料,只等他回来开火。今晚吃“肉末面”,再把吃到第三顿的甜品消灭掉。又吃撑了。她发愁:以后不能再做甜品了!明明都吃饱了,又添它进肚,简直就是催肥呢!他同意:那就不做吧。 本来做甜品是为了过年时给女儿做,而进行的彩排。不料这场来得不是时候的大雪,阻住了女儿回家的路——原计划是明天星期五回来过年的,能多跟妈妈待一宿。这下,连星期六(除夕)女儿能不能回来都成了不确定的事。 “老天爷,你不是第一次单拣我女儿回家的时候下雪了!”——她恨恨地想。 ==================================== 附天气预报网的大雪警报于下。 Snowfall Warning Issued at 9:58 PM EST Thursday 7 February 2013 Summary Significant snowfall of 15 to 25 cm tonight and Friday. A winter storm will affect the regions tonight and Friday. Snow associated with a trough ahead of this system has spread into South-Central Ontario with a couple cm of light snow expected in most areas this evening. However, a significant change is expected overnight. This Texas low will intensify into a major winter storm as it approaches Southern Ontario towards morning. An expanding area of heavy snow is expected to move into western parts of Southern Ontario near Lake Huron beginning late this evening then spread east across remaining regions overnight or early Friday morning. The heaviest snow will occur during the Friday morning rush hour along the highway 401 corridor from London across Waterloo region and the Greater Toronto area. Heavy snow will spread quickly east during the day to affect Kingston through Brockville to Cornwall. Strong and gusty northeasterly winds will whip up the freshly fallen snow and result in very low visibility at times in blowing snow. Total snowfall amounts of 15 to 25 centimetres are likely across the regions. Snowfall rates of 2 to 4 centimetres per hour are possible during the heaviest snow, and if this occurs, near zero visibility in the heavy snow may be a significant issue to deal with. Hazardous winter travelling conditions from near zero visibility, areas of heavy snow and local blowing snow are expected especially on Friday. Rapidly accumulating snow will also contribute to dangerous driving conditions. Travel plans should be changed accordingly. The snow will end in areas west of the Greater Toronto area in the afternoon, in the Toronto area in the evening and overnight in easternmost sections as the storm centre moves away.