这是一则由死者和他妻子在临终前一起撰写的悼词。 他的妻子用blog展现了丈夫脑癌4年来的搏斗与关爱。 “ "My Husband's Tumor It's not a cancer story, it's a love story. With some cancer." http://myhusbandstumor.com/ 他妻子的文字洗练不俗,真挚动人。她这么描写丈夫的最后一刻: “It ended today at 2:43pm, in the middle of a run-on sentence, my head on his heart and my arms around him in a hospital bed built for one, but perfect for the two of us.” http://myhusbandstumor.com/post/103616881743/its-over-it-wasnt-a-war-or-a-fight-those 看这个帖一定不要忘了带上餐巾纸 读者的一则评论深得我心“ What is life, if not to be loved like this?...... ” 最近自己也经历了许多事情。突然发现,生活的意义都是每个平凡的人自己活出来的!自己也可以像他们那样笑傲生活!