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分享 村子里的小中男,都表现不错
热度 28 席琳 2017-4-1 13:45
2017-3-31 1、小中男 大家有一个印象,说小中男在美国考大学不受待见。至少从今年的情况来看,这种情况似乎不存在。 村子里的小中男,今年录取了两个哈佛,一个MIT,一个斯坦福,两个沃顿商学院,三个哥伦比亚,三个布朗,一个卡耐基梅隆,一堆康奈尔、杜克和文理学院。 姐姐毕业过的艺术高中今年的前四名,全是小中男。 妹妹理科高中学校的第三和第四名,也都是小中男。 2、理科生 据不完全统计,村子里的艺术高中今年总共录取三个哈佛,三个耶鲁,一个MIT,一个斯坦福。 而理科高中今年也总共录取三个哈佛,两个普林斯顿,五个麻省理工,和十个康奈尔。 按理说今年理科高中的生源和学生素质都远远高于艺术高中, 理科高中PSAT的考试成绩,进入全国决赛的名额,比艺术高中多五倍。 可是大学录取的结果,基本上还是旗鼓相当。 理科高中的功课压力和勤奋程度,都远远高于艺术高中。 理科生不善于写作和推销自己,应该是关键。 3、优秀的小中男 村子里今年表现最优秀的四个小中男,一个横扫哈佛斯坦福和沃顿商学院,一个横扫文理学院和五小滕,一个是聪明过人学习不努力还门门满分,一个是拿Intel全国大奖。三个文科一个理科。所以根本不是小中男或小中女招不招人待见,实在是在众多的小中男小中女中,你 有没有过人之处, 是不是其中最突出最有特色的那一位。 人比人气死人,学习好的聪明的小中男和小中女,在妹妹的学校里一抓一把,虽然还都算有很不错的结果,但要和那个也能横扫藤校的黑人女孩相比,还真的是有先天上的不足。 黑人女孩能在有很多亚裔学生的学校里进入年级前十名,就已经是人中龙凤了。
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分享 麻技新生提前录取率又创新低
热度 18 席琳 2016-12-22 09:44
2016-12-21 从某网站学来一个新词:称MIT为麻技,也就是麻省技术学院的意思,其实天底下文人相轻,互相贬低对手学校的层出不穷。例如麻省理工称哈佛为哈佛社区学院。可是如果用新生提前录取的数据来说话,还是可以看出差别的( 席琳:麻省理工和斯坦福大学的新生提前录取 )。 去年(2020届) 美国五大名校( P HY M S)的提前录取率数据分别为:哈佛 14.9%,耶鲁 16.9%,普林斯顿 18.6%、斯坦福 9.5%、麻技 8.4%。麻技为最低,也就是说难度最大,原因之一是麻技不考虑家族传奇,爷爷奶奶和七大姑八大姨这两代人的校友都不算数,是申请学生自己的本事。今年(2021届)除斯坦福拒绝发布提前录取的数据外,麻技的提前录取又创历史新低,为7.8%( 席琳:麻省理工都需要什么样的学生? )。 MIT Accepted 657 Students in EA to Class of 2021 - This year, 8,394 students applied for early admission to MIT, and we have offered early admission to 657. These students hail from more than 500 high schools scattered across the globe, from New England to New Zealand. We can't wait to welcome them to campus to join the 4,524 outstanding undergraduates who already call MIT home. Though they all do different things — biology and bhangra, physics and feminism, rowing and robotics — they are united by a shared standard of rigorous academics, high character, and a strong match with MIT's global mission to make the world a better place. We deferred 5,853 applicants. These students will be reconsidered without prejudice in Regular Action. Deferred students do not need to send us anything new other than the February Updates and Notes Form, which will become available in mid-January on your MyMIT account. We will post a blog entry with more information for deferred students on Saturday. Because of the competitiveness of our pool, we have already informed 1,717 students that we will not be able to offer them admission this year. This decision has been made with care, and it is final. I know this can be a difficult decision to receive. Take a deep breath, shake it off, and go crush the rest of your college applications this cycle. The balance of the applicants - 167 - either withdrew from our process before we issued decisions or had incomplete applications. 同时期包括哈佛耶鲁普林斯顿在内的八大藤校的提前录取率,都超过14%(H、P、Y是EA,其它五所是ED,其中的哥大比较小气,不敢公布提前录取率,但我们知道他去年的提前录取率是17.6%,比普林斯顿的18.6%稍低): Brown University — 3,170 applications, 695 acceptances Columbia University — 4,086 applications, does not release acceptance figures Cornell University — 5,384 applications, 1,378 acceptances Dartmouth College — 1999 applications, 555 acceptances Harvard University — 6,473 applications, 938 acceptances University of Pennsylvania — 6,147 applications, 1,354 acceptances Princeton University — 5,033 applications, 770 acceptances Yale University — 5,086 applications, 871 acceptances
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分享 妹妹拿出扫把来
席琳 2016-12-16 19:03
16.00 2016-12-16 去年这时候的姐姐一心要做导演,要做宫崎骏一样的动漫大师,所以对很多大学都嗤之以鼻,最想去的专业是加州艺术学院,罗德岛和布朗大学的双学位,南加州大学和纽约大学的电影学院,对申报其他学校,包括HSP都没有兴趣,MIT的提前录取,也没有动摇她对于动漫艺术的一往情深,所以我们对于姐姐的妥协是,除了加州艺术学院,姐姐无论去哪一所大学我们都支持,后来去了MIT的CPW,就基本上被MIT的精英文化给洗脑了,纠结了很久。妹妹曾经是藤校的崇拜者,后来受到姐姐的影响,非MIT不去了。如果MIT提前不录取,妹妹准备是包括HYPSM和几大建筑名校(康奈尔、莱斯,WU,南加州)在内十几所学校一起横扫的,过一个非常紧张的圣诞节呢,尤其是姐姐也回来了,可以帮助一起参谋着写申请报告,所谓姐妹连心,其利断金呢,可从月中到最后的截止日期,大概还只有两个星期多一点,人家老先生还没有动手准备,MIT的提前录取,更是打消了妹妹申请别的学校的热情,准备在圣诞节期间去跟一个国内来演出的明星去伴舞呢。 拿出你的扫把来 改编词:席琳 作曲:新疆民歌 拿出了你的扫把来 让我来扫扫你的哈 哈佛学院最悠久呀 好像那树上的弯月亮 哈佛校训是真理呀 好像那树上的弯月亮 拿出了你的扫把来 让我来扫扫你的麻 麻省理工甲天下呀 好像那秋波一模样 麻省理论加实践呀 好像那秋波一模样 拿出了你的扫把来 让我来扫扫你的雅 雅鲁历史排第三呀 好像那苹果到秋天 雅鲁又称大学院呀 好像那苹果到秋天 拿出了你的扫把来 让我来扫扫你的皮 皮林重视导修课呀 好像那五月的红樱桃 普林科学排第一呀 好像那五月的红樱桃 拿出了你的扫把来 让我来扫扫斯坦福 斯坦福年轻没传统呀 硅谷里的富豪数不清 斯坦福就在硅谷边呀 硅谷里的富豪数不清
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分享 斯坦福和麻省理工谁更强?
席琳 2016-11-7 10:43
2016-11-6 妹妹今年准备申请麻省理工和斯坦福这两所大学,如果麻省理工录取了,基本就不考虑斯坦福大学了。姐姐去年的一个同学,开始被斯坦福给拒了,后来被麻省理工录取了,另外的一个女孩,被斯坦福和麻省理工同时录取了,去了麻省理工而没有去斯坦福。 关于两所大学哪一所更强的讨论,网上不计其数。有位老兄毕业于两所学校,有下面的见解: Stanford is significantly broader than MIT in terms of top level departments, extending well outside STEM. In an overall breadth sense, Stanford has a major edge. MIT is concentrated in STEM, and generally has the slightest of edge in those departments, but not always. MIT is first and foremost about training people to do research; Stanford does this but it is not the prime directive . Significant lead to MIT if that is your purpose. Facilities are crucial in engineering departments, and MIT facilities are more extensive and up to date because of the size of the departments and links to industry, but this is a generalization. Slight MIT edge for engineers. MIT is much more intense. That is not better, it reflects a different philosophy that results in a different outcome: MIT people know what pressure is and how to deal with it, but this causes burnout ("I'm finished with academics") . MIT graduates know a heck of a lot more about their limitations and about solving problems than Stanford grads. Stanford grads can generally catch up。
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分享 麻省理工都需要什么样的学生?
热度 1 席琳 2016-11-3 11:17
2016-11-2 姐姐去年提前申请了麻省理工,今年妹妹也提前申请了麻省理工。根据麻省自己的统计, MIT offered admission to 1,485 out of 19,020 applicants for the class of 2020 for an admissions rate of 7.8 percent. The rate decreased from last year’s 8.0 percent, and has been steadily declining since 2003 with the exception of last year when it went up by 0.3 percentage points. Of the 1,485 students admitted to the class of 2020, 656 were early action admits, The Tech reported last fall. The early-admission rate dropped to around 8.4 percent, from 9.6 percent last year, which may have been caused by an administrative policy change: international students were allowed to apply during the early action round for the first time this year. 也就是说,麻省理工提前申请录取率和一般申请的录取率基本上持平,提前录取一点也不占优势: 那么麻省理工都需要什么样的学生呢? 麻省理工自己的网页上说: The selection process at MIT is holistic and student centered: each application is evaluated within its unique context. No school, state, or regional quotas are applied; neither is preference given to those with alumni relations. Selection is based on outstanding academic achievement as well as a strong match between the applicant and the Institute, including: Alignment with MIT’s mission Collaborative and cooperative spirit Initiative and risk-taking Hands-on creativity Intensity, curiosity, and excitement Balancing hard work with downtime 而2006年的MIT招生办给申请学生的指导信中则是这样说: When we admit a class of students to MIT, it's as if we're choosing a 1,000 - person team to climb a very interesting, fairly rugged mountain - together. We obviously want people who have the training, stamina, and passion for eh climb. At the same time, we want each to add something useful or intriguing to the team, from a wonderful temperament or sense of humor, to compelling personal experiences, to a wide range of individual gifts, talents, interests, and achievements. We are emphatically not looking for a batch of identical perfect climbers; we are looking for a richly varied team of capable people who will support, surprise, and inspire each other. Preparing yourself for MIT, then, means doing two things: 1)making sure you're ready to do the work, and 2)taking the time to really explore things that interest you, both inside and outside of school. 这是什么意思呢,MIT的招生不拘一格,关键的是考生要有自己的特长,自己的贡献和自己的坚持。凡事不做则已,做就要做好。
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