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分享 妹妹拿到迈阿密大学的全额奖学金
热度 41 席琳 2017-3-8 12:37
2017-3-7 昨天妹妹转过来一个伊妹儿,说是拿到了迈阿密大学的提供的全免学费奖学金: Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, one of the highest academic honors given to incoming students at the University of Miami, which covers full tuition for four years of undergraduate study. In awarding you this scholarship, we recognize your exceptional academic achievements. You were selected from an elite group of students to be part of one of the most talented and diverse classes in the history of the University of Miami. It is also my pleasure to invite you to become a member of the prestigious Foote Fellows Honors Program. As a Foote Fellow, you will have maximum freedom to explore a multitude of educational resources within the curricular framework of your school or college. Foote Fellows have access to unique learning opportunities and educational guidance within their school or college and many are able to pursue additional majors and/or minors, as well as study abroad. 迈阿密大学每年大约授予50-60名新生这类奖学金,是所有300名被邀请去面试学生的1/5,机会还是蛮大的说。 这是像迈阿密大学一样排名在前二十到五十之间的二流学校,和全美一流大学竞争优秀生源的唯一妙招。排名前十之内的学校,提供的学生按需奖学金数额,对中等收入家庭出身的学生,会有更大的诱惑,而对收入富裕的家庭,学费根本不在考虑之内,吸引力也不是很大。所以除非学生特别喜欢迈阿密大学的某一专业,否则仅靠提供奖学金,很难收到全美最顶尖的学生。
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分享 迈阿密大学的奖学金面试
热度 23 席琳 2017-2-26 10:43
2017-2-25 这两天和妹妹一起在风景如画的迈阿密大学面试。为了和全国一流大学竞争学生,迈阿密大学使出了浑身解数,在全世界范围邀请100个提前申请这所大学的最好的学生,和他们的家长一起来参加这所大学的Stamps奖学金面试,关于Stamps奖学金,在佐治亚理工大学面试的时候已经提及过。这是我第二次来迈阿密大学,可是第一次只是路过,没有什么印象,这一次算是有了一个比较全面的了解。迈阿密说大不大说小不小,在佛罗里达算是排名第一的城市,迈阿密大学又不在交通最拥挤的下城,比起仍在下雪的北方,迈阿密的气候,算是最诱人的地方。不过说起来小气,迈阿密大学只管吃不管住和差旅费,算是唯一的美中不足。 其间试听了一门课,是一个叫金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer)的女教授讲的。老教授早年师从哈佛,算是美国东亚政治学者中的主流,但也有廉颇老矣,尚能饭否的沧桑。其中引用了两幅图,很有一点意思。第一副,是英国使节觐见乾隆皇帝的卡通片: 第二幅,是2015年博鳌会议习近平见论坛参与国领导人的照片,说习的椅子与众不同,居高临下等等。
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分享 妹妹去迈阿密大学面试
席琳 2017-2-24 13:03
2017-2-23 妹妹明天到迈阿密大学去面试Stamps奖学金,迈阿密大学很抠门,旅馆都要自己出钱,给奖学金也抠抠索索,开始给妹妹每年两万五,上个星期又来信说给妹妹每年四万五,这不,如果Stamps奖学金面试成功,就一分钱都不用出了。 Hello Student, The February 24-25 Scholarship Weekend at the University of Miami is just around the corner! Our 'Canes family is excited to welcome you to our campus for the program and wanted to provide you with a few additional details. Below, you will find a schedule of events for the weekend. Locations for all of the events will be provided to you at Registration. Friday, February 24 2:00-2:30 p.m. - Registration - Office of Undergraduate Admission 2:30-3:00 p.m. - Welcome 3:15-4:45 p.m. - Tour 5:00-6:15 p.m. - Deans' Panels 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Dinner with Foote Fellows Saturday, February 25 8:30-9:45 a.m. - Check-in and Breakfast with Student Panel 9:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. - Scholarship Weekend Program 1:00-2:00 p.m. - Lunch To receive full consideration for the scholarships, students are expected to attend all scheduled activities on Friday and Saturday of the Scholarship Weekend. For families staying at the Holiday Inn - University of Miami, Courtyard Miami Dadeland, or Marriott Miami Dadeland, buses are scheduled to leave for campus at the following times: Friday, February 24 - 1:30 p.m. Saturday, February 25 - 8:00 a.m. We look forward to greeting you on campus for our program in just a few days! If you have any questions or concerns, please visit stampsweekend.miami.edu or contact me at scholarshipweekend@miami.edu . Best regards, Shane Hinton Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission scholarshipweekend@miami.edu miami.edu/ug
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分享 迈阿密大学的录取通知
热度 2 席琳 2017-1-27 11:18
2017-1-26 今天妹妹接到迈阿密大学的正式录取通知,通知是主管本科录取和市场营销的副校长Karen S. Long签署的。和通知书一起送来的,是提供连续五年每年两万五千块钱的校长奖学金,总金额是十二万五千美刀。 我说不错呀,迈阿密大学的学费便宜。妹妹说不错个鬼,迈阿密是私立大学,学费一年六万多块钱呢! 果然一查,2017-2018年的学费是四万八千二百七十块,外加生活费住宿费学杂费一共每年的开销是六万六千零六十四块钱。提供的校长奖学金,才资助一半都不到! 另外今天收拾东西的时候发现一封没有打开的信,是从一所新开张的公立大学寄来的,上面写的是NMSC Scholarship。寄信的日期是十一月九号,信中说我们学校 每年 对州内学生提供4000块钱的奖学金,四年总共提供一万六千块钱。因为刚刚获悉你在州里面获得NMSP半决赛的消息,如果你申请我们学校,我们愿意提供你所有的花销。 我问妹妹为什么没有打开信,妹妹说,没人对这个学校感兴趣。 我说你们学校 前年 去康奈尔大学的一个男同学的龙凤双胞胎,不就是去的这所大学吗? 妹妹说,反正我不想去。 上网查一查,这所新大学2017-2018年的学费,也不便宜啊,比州内最好的公立大学的学费,竟然每年是只少交1000块钱。 Estimated 2017-2018 Student Budget: Resident Out of State Direct Costs Tuition Fees $ 6,916 $ 29,944 Room Board 9,264 9,264 DirectCosts Subtotal: 16,180 39,208 Variable Costs Books Supplies 1,200 1,200 Personal 2,170 2,170 Transportation 1,100 1,100 Variable Costs Subtotal 4,470 4,470 Total Cost of Attendance (COA) $20,650 $43,678
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分享 妹妹接到迈阿密大学的奖学金申请邀请
热度 2 席琳 2017-1-21 14:40
2017-1-21 今天下课后妹妹在学校舞台上进行一年一度的文化遗产舞蹈表演,这已经是第四年。妹妹说,她学校的老师都说她跳的好。然后在学校参加女子篮球比赛的拉拉队表演,接下来是毕业班篮球队员庆祝活动,妹妹又收到一大束低年级同学送的鲜花,拉拉队的教练说这还不是正式的毕业班庆祝活动,等两个星期后男队员比赛结束,才是正式的活动。 妹妹今年参加的Scholastic艺术和写作奖的地区结果出来了,妹妹得两个金钥匙,一个银钥匙,和三项提名奖。金钥匙和银钥匙都要在地方博物馆里展览一个星期,金钥匙还要送到纽约参加全国评审,这在妹妹是第一次,在妹妹的高中,今年也只有另外一个女孩得了一个提名奖。妹妹很高兴,因为从前摘金摘银在全县所向无敌的是姐姐,今年终于走出了姐姐的阴影,开始扬眉吐气了。 然后是妹妹接到迈阿密大学STAMPS奖学金申请的邀请: Dear 妹妹: Greetings from the University of Miami! I am happy to inform you that the Office of Undergraduate Admission has nominated you for the University's most prestigious merit scholarships: the Stamps Leadership Scholarship, the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, and the Marta S. and L. Austin Weeks Endowed Scholarship. Congratulations! The Stamps Leadership Scholarship covers the cost of attendance for four years of undergraduate study. It includes tuition, fees, room and board, books, and a stipend of $12,000 for research and study abroad opportunities over four years of study. The Singer Scholarship and Weeks Scholarship each cover the cost of four years' full tuition. We hope you will accept this invitation to join us on campus for a special scholarship event on one of three weekends: February 24-25 , March 3-4 , or March 24-25 . 这个STAMPS奖学金,和佐治亚理工大学的STAMPS奖学金属于同一个基金会,是这两所大学对学习成绩优秀的学生奖学金中资助金额最高的一个,连吃住都一起包括在内的,而且是不看家庭收入的。妹妹申报的几所二类大学,基本上都属于这种情况。 网上查了一下,迈阿密大学的Stamps奖学金的面试过程比佐治亚理工相对要简单一些,没有初选过程,但多了一篇论文,因为在开始申请学校的时候,论文不再需要的材料之列: Selection Process - Selected candidates for the Stamps Scholarship are invited to participate in the Scholarship Weekend at the University of Miami. During this weekend program, candidates will meet with University of Miami faculty and current scholars. Scholarship candidates and their families learn about the unique educational and leadership opportunities available to the best and brightest students at the University of Miami. They also learn about the University of Miami's interest-driven education, meet both current and other prospective student scholars, and attend a special scholarship dinner. After the weekend, a selection committee identifies finalists whom they recommend to receive the Stamps Scholarship based on the students' overall achievement and performance during the weekend. Finalists participate in an additional interview with the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation. 下面的材料,是2011年迈阿密大学刚开始实行Stamps奖学金的时候一个学生在College Confidential上讨论时贴出来的,但另外参加讨论的人不同意这些硬性的指标,说学校更看重的是你是不是fit: Stamps scholarship is a new one and it offers full-ride to UM. Also, the slection criteria is very picky. Almost ACT score of 35 or SAT score over 2300 (or CR and Math is over 1550). I have a score of 1500 in CR and Math and I am a HS val in Orlando school. Taken 15 AP classes. AP National Scholar. Huge amount of ECs. Won the Siemens SF award for my cancer research paper. I did not get invited for the Stamps. So you could assume what level of competition is required. If my speculation is right, it all boils down to SAT or ACT scores for Stamps invite. This scholarship has no bearing on any major etc. Simply put, this is offered for the best of the best. Good luck and do not feel about Stamps. Also, getting Singer award is very slim too (15% award rate, they select 55 students out of 350 short-listed applicants). 这是2016年一个学生家长贴出来的2015和2016年迈阿密大学Stamps和Singer奖学金的授予信息,和南加州大学优秀奖学金的授予情况类似,但规模稍小: 2015 - Yes, my daughter attended last year. Three hundred students were invited. Seventy received the Singer and five the Stamps. 2016 -Hey guys! Current UM student and Singer recipient here. We were told that 300 students are being interviewed over two weekends and 75 will receive either Singer or Stamps. You won't here about the results until after the second weekend on March 18-19. 而且比较有趣的是很多学生最后纠结于是去UM的Stamps或是去USC的Trustee奖学金。前者是全部免费,后者是免学费。
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分享 迈阿密之腐
热度 23 席琳 2013-2-7 20:48
2013-2-7 大凡到过佛罗里达的人,都应该知道或者听说过福莱哥勒(Henry Flaglor,1830-1913)的大名。 亨利福莱哥勒,因为他在十九世纪末对佛罗里达东部和南部开发前无古人后无来者的巨大贡献,被同时代的人誉称为迈阿密之父。据说迈阿密当初要建城的时候,曾被打算冠名为福莱哥勒的,可是高风亮节的福莱哥勒,愣是坚持不让,于是才被命名为迈阿密。 和历史上所有的英雄人物一样,福莱哥勒被打造为不食人间烟火的高大全。只是一点不同的是,其他人多半是靠了篡改历史和依仗政府的宣传,福莱哥勒是靠了自己的财富和民间的宣传。 福莱哥勒最为人们称道的事,是在80岁高龄的时候,建成了号称世界第八大奇迹的连接迈阿密和美国最南部岛屿的跨海铁路,其工程之巨,难度之高,速度之快,跨度之大,在当时都堪称世界之最。 看过当时的一个文献介绍,建筑该铁路的时候,涌现出了很多可歌可泣一不怕苦二不怕死的劳动模范和英雄人物,丧失了数以百计的建筑工人的生命,才使这一人间奇迹得以在福莱哥勒去见上帝之前提早两年竣工,也使福莱哥勒得以在有生之年按计划坐自己亲自设计和规划的铁路南巡和剪裁。 人生之至境也! 可是这条跨海铁路,在安全运行了二十三年之后,被1935年劳动节的一场飓风给吹跨了。当时坐在列车上的至少423个乘客,葬身于鱼腹。 其中包括200多名从西沙群岛营地撤退回来的参加过第一次世界大战的老兵,是当时美国建筑工程的精英。 大风起兮云飞扬,安得猛士兮守四方! 对于这次本可以避免的事故,从来没有人追究过责任,至今所有的,只是一片溢美之声。 福莱哥勒的跨海铁路,也只剩下残垣断壁。 看过施瓦辛格主演的《真实的谎言》的影片的人,对此多少,都应该有一些印象的。
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