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热度 8 hotmen 2012-9-13 13:52
据媒体报道,以色列前防长、反对党领导人沙乌勒.莫法兹指责以总理内塔尼亚胡因为与美国政府在伊核问题上出现分歧,企图推翻奥巴马政权。 由于美国和以色列在伊核问题上分歧不断加深,本周二以色列总理内塔尼亚胡公开表示,因为奥巴马政府在“道德”上没有底线,所以美国才会对伊朗迟迟不采取军事行动。 莫法兹12日在议会上要求内塔尼亚胡阐明,美国和伊朗谁才是以色列大敌?推翻华盛顿和德黑兰哪一个政权更重要?“以色列人干涉了美国内务,并把美国政府从盟友变成了‘敌人’,这令我们损失颇大。” 他说。 在伊核问题上,莫法兹指责内塔尼亚胡在以色列人民心中“播种恐惧和恐慌”,他认为战争是只有在没有选择的时候才能被摆上桌面。
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热度 15 南方有嘉木 2012-5-24 00:04
“My father gave me two pieces of advice when i went into politics: never touch money, and don't use ad hominem attacks on people. But when I became Prime Minister, I asked him, What attributes does one need to lead a country? He was older then, and he asked me, What do you think? I said, You need convictions and courage and the ability to act. He said, You need that for anything. He then said what you need to lead a country is education, and by that he meant an understanding of history, the knowledge to be able to put things in perspective. ”‘ ----------------------------------- ad hominem attacks:An ad hominem ( Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem , is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. 人身攻击,屁股论
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