在思炎茶馆看到的帖子,要整续集了,贴了telegraph的报导: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/9173686/Yes-Prime-Minister-to-return-to-British-screens.html 我看了几行,就上来报告这个好消息了。 怎么说非常期待呢?那是相当期待。 看到: Today, writers Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay, who co-wrote the original series and were involved in its later stage production, were confirmed as being the authors of the new programmes. The six-part series is expected to be screened either at the end of this year or at the beginning of next, and will be filmed in front of a live audience in London. 这个新闻是: 2:42PM BST 29 Mar 2012,今年3月份的消息了,呵呵,我再去搜索一下看看,哇哈哈哈哈。 此日志时时更新,哈哈。