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分享 迈阿密大学的奖学金面试
热度 23 席琳 2017-2-26 10:43
2017-2-25 这两天和妹妹一起在风景如画的迈阿密大学面试。为了和全国一流大学竞争学生,迈阿密大学使出了浑身解数,在全世界范围邀请100个提前申请这所大学的最好的学生,和他们的家长一起来参加这所大学的Stamps奖学金面试,关于Stamps奖学金,在佐治亚理工大学面试的时候已经提及过。这是我第二次来迈阿密大学,可是第一次只是路过,没有什么印象,这一次算是有了一个比较全面的了解。迈阿密说大不大说小不小,在佛罗里达算是排名第一的城市,迈阿密大学又不在交通最拥挤的下城,比起仍在下雪的北方,迈阿密的气候,算是最诱人的地方。不过说起来小气,迈阿密大学只管吃不管住和差旅费,算是唯一的美中不足。 其间试听了一门课,是一个叫金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer)的女教授讲的。老教授早年师从哈佛,算是美国东亚政治学者中的主流,但也有廉颇老矣,尚能饭否的沧桑。其中引用了两幅图,很有一点意思。第一副,是英国使节觐见乾隆皇帝的卡通片: 第二幅,是2015年博鳌会议习近平见论坛参与国领导人的照片,说习的椅子与众不同,居高临下等等。
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分享 妹妹的Stamps奖学金面试
热度 1 席琳 2017-2-12 10:57
2017-2-11 今天带妹妹去一家律师事务所,进行佐治亚理工大学的Stamps奖学金面试,我们这个州参加面试的总共有六个人,四个女生两个男生,下午一点到三点,每小时面试两个,因为妹妹被安排在最后一个小时面试,六个面试的学生中,我见到四个。其中叫马修的一个男孩,二十多分钟就给打发出来了,而叫布利安娜的一个女孩,面试了大概五十分钟。妹妹是第五个被叫进去面试的,到结束的时候,五十五分钟,而第六个被叫进去面试的女生,进去的晚,出来的早,大概不到半小时。人家都走了,妹妹还没有出来。 这六个面试的学生中,大概选出两个,三月份再到亚特兰大佐治亚理工校园进行最后的面试。 要说美国所谓的全额奖学金,对家庭收入 中等 以上出身的学生来说,应该是没有比Stamps奖学金更高的了。 佐治亚理工唯一能和藤校抗衡一争生源的,也就靠这个了。 Since 2006,annual gifts provided by the Stamps Foundation have been matched by the Institute, and the total funds provide the full cost of attendance and enrichment opportunities over four years for the 10 top freshmen admitted to Georgia Tech annually. In 2016,the President’s Scholarship Program will be renamed the Stamps President’s Scholars Program in recognition of the Stamps’ philanthropy. This means that every student in the President’s Scholars Program - approximately 40 freshmen each year - will receive funding equal to the full cost of attendance for four years (including tuition, fees, books, full room and board, and a stipend for miscellaneous living expenses) plus a laptop and enrichment experiences such as outdoor leadership programs, research and internship opportunities, and at least one international experience, up to $15,000 over four years.
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分享 Stamps奖学金的学校和学者
席琳 2017-1-22 13:25
2017-1- 21 全美实行Stamps优秀学生全额奖学金的学校,一共有44所。以佐治亚理工和密执根大学最早,原因是设置Stamps家族奖学金的Stamps夫妇,丈夫是佐治亚理工的毕业生,而妻子是密执根大学的毕业生。 Penny and Roe Stamps married in 1971 and initially settled in Boston. Penny started her own interior design business with her degree from the University of Michigan School of Art Design. Simultaneously, Roe co-founded the private investment firm Summit Partners soon after finishing his MBA at Harvard Business school; he received his BS and MS in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech. After they raised two children and excelled in their respective careers, they moved to Florida where they became involved in multiple philanthropic initiatives. 2006 - Penny W. Stamps (BSDes '66, TeachCert '66) and Roe Stamps( IV, IE 1967, MS IE 1972, HON PhD 2014 )created merit scholarship programs for undergraduates at their alma maters – The University of Michigan and Georgia Tech. Since then, the Stamps Scholars community has grown into a nationwide network of colleges and universities with more than 1300 current and alumni Scholars. 2016 - This fall, thirty-six partner schools across the country will collectively welcome the 11th class of Stamps Scholars to their campuses. Selected from over 400,000 applications, the new first-year class is made up of 209 Scholars with diverse academic interests including biomedical engineering, public policy, medicine, music, and education. 2016,Georgia Tech - E very student in the President’s Scholars Program — approximately 40 freshmen each year — will receive funding equal to the full cost of attendance for four years (including tuition, fees, books, full room and board, and a stipend for miscellaneous living expenses) plus a laptop and enrichment experiences such as outdoor leadership programs, research and internship opportunities, and at least one international experience, up to $15,000 over four years. The program offers top students full scholarships as well as access to supplemental funds for study-abroad programs, internships, or other activities that enrich the college experience. The Stamps program requires an investment from the schools involved—they must agree to fund half of the costs. Stamps奖学金的金额: The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation partners with visionary colleges and universities to award multi-year scholarships that enable extraordinary educational experiences. Scholars receive annual awards that range from $72,000 to $5,000 (four-year awards total an average of $288,000 – $20,000) with additional funds for enrichment activities such as study abroad, academic conferences, and leadership training. The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation and partner schools evenly share the costs of the awards. The unique benefit that all Stamps Scholarships include is an enrichment fund, an additional monetary fund for Scholars to use in their academic and professional development. They may use the award to study or volunteer outside the United States, conduct research, or participate in a leadership program or academic conference. We like to think of this part of the award as the “dream fund.” Univ Michigan - Each year, 18 freshmen are selected to receive the Stamps Scholarship. Students do not apply for the scholarship.The annual scholarship package for the 2015 – 2016 freshmen class totals $20,000 for Michigan residents and $40,000 for non-residents. 2016年( Class of 2020) 的Stamps学者: Barry University - 5 College of William Mary - 3 Elizabethtown College - 5 Georgia Institute of Technology - 40 Louisiana State University - 10 Mercer University - 5 Miami University - 6 Morehouse College - 5 Oberlin College Conservatory - 5 The Ohio State University - 5 Purdue University - 8 Tulane University - 5 University of California, Los Angeles - 3 University of Chicago - 4 University of Connecticut - 3 University of Florida - 3 University of Georgia - 5 University of Illinois - 5 University of Maryland - 3 University of Miami - 9 University of Michigan - 15 University of Mississippi - 14 University of Notre Dame -11 University of Oregon - 3 University of Pittsburgh - 3 University of South Carolina - 3 University of Southern California - 4 University of Texas at Austin - 4 University of Virginia - 3 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit y - 3 Wake Forest - 5 2011-2016年间迈阿密大学的stamps学者: 2011 - 4 2012 - 2 2013 - 6 2014 - 5 2015 - 3 2016 - 4
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分享 妹妹入围佐治亚理工校长奖学金半决赛
席琳 2017-1-18 14:14
2017-1-17 今天妹妹说她接到佐治亚理工发的信,让她参加2月11号在当地城市举办的佐治亚理工大学的Stamps Presidents Scholarship奖学金的初选面试。根据佐治亚理工大学网页的介绍,每年大概有300个左右(前1-2%) 被提前录取的 新生会收到这个奖学金的半决赛面试邀请, 再从中选出100人在3月10-11号到亚特兰大佐治亚大学校园参加复赛面试,最终会有40人被授予这项奖学金,其中来自佐治亚州内的学生20名,外州的学生也20名。 2014年共有12000名学生申请,参加半决赛的有583名,其中有47名被授予校长奖学金,10名Stamps领导奖学金。只有这10名Stamps奖学金获得者,才是一切免费。校长奖学金,大概只是免学费和住宿费。而且这个Stamps奖学金,自2006年在密执根大学和佐治亚理工最早开始,目前已扩展到全美41个大学有这个奖学金。 The first Stamps Scholars programs launched in 2006 at the University of Michigan and Georgia Tech. The program expanded in 2009 to include the University of Miami and in 2010 to include Barry University, California Institute of Technology, the University of Florida, the University of Illinois and the University of Virginia. The program has since grown to 41 schools across the country with more than 1,000 current and alumni Stamps Scholars. Georgia Residents Non-Georgia Residents Tuition $10,106 $30,904 Mandatory Student Fees $2,406 $2,406 Books Supplies (estimated) $800 $800 Freshman Housing Allowance $6,683 $6,683 Freshman Meal Plan Allowance $4,841 $4,841 Personal Expenses (estimated) $3,200 $3,200 Average Loan Costs $60 $60 Total Per Year (2 semesters) $28,096 $48,894 佐治亚理工大学在全美公立大学中排名第七。免除学费后大概还有万把块钱的生活花销,2017-18的学生花费州内学生超过两万八,外州学生接近四万九。没有校长或STAMPS奖学金,最好还是不要去读的好。 妹妹当初报佐治亚理工,就冲的这个奖学金去的,否则也是白费功夫。
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分享 妹妹在自己申请奖学金
热度 3 席琳 2017-1-6 13:44
2017-1-5 昨天领导请她的前任老师吃饭,还有另外一个朋友在场,聊天的功夫发现这两个竟然和我都是前后届毕业的,其中的一个的老公是我以前的同事,另外一个更是神奇,原来应该是在网上认识过的一个好朋友,学地质的才女,打嘴仗打过很久的,说起来大家应该都会有印象,不过我并没有当场说破,网上的归网上,朋友的归朋友,世界本来就很小,应该留一点想像的空间。 姐姐今天一早,就又上学校去了,全家一起开车送到机场,大包小包,过了安检,三个礼拜,像流水一样,哗啦一下就过去了。马上准备买春假的票,也就是三个月光景,就又回来了。姐姐说了很多她的同学,玩的比较好的还是几个亚洲人,一个是日裔,刚死了爸爸,家里比较困难的,比较用功,一个是台湾女孩,家教比较严,爱打抱不平,但不爱学习,爱睡懒觉。一个是香港女孩,家里很富,一个生日派对就花费几千块钱,在宾馆顶层的旋转餐厅开,父母还从上海专程飞过来。姐姐属于比较单纯和傻的那种,很多同学开的玩笑她都当真,结果就闹出更大的笑话,日裔和台湾女孩这时候就出面维持正义。姐姐在家期间和两个同学一起去玩过,教务主任又一次请她吃饭,姐姐说教务主任对她的学校感兴趣,因为姐姐所在的高中连续三年的年级第一名,都去了姐姐所在的大学。昨天姐姐又单独去看她小时候学画画的老师,一个意大利画家,在纽约和欧洲都有画廊,家里像一个大杂货铺,姐姐不喜欢画家老改她画的画,而且画家的老婆是一个经纪人,爱搬弄是非,虽然后来就不去学了, 但关系就一直维持住 ,画家说姐姐是他教过的最好的学生,并说苟富贵勿相忘,姐姐就时不时的仍然去看看他。 家里的房子有几年都没有好好修理了,于是趁还有两天假期,就做起了木工和油漆工,把房子里的几扇门给换掉。换门是个技术活儿,打孔之类的一要有工具,二要又耐心,home depot人满为患,大家都在新年之初更新气象,连买个油漆都要排长队。 妹妹这两天开始自己申请奖学金了,今天就递上去一个,瞄了一眼,写的还算不错,自己顺便也把普林斯顿大学的艺术文件包给补充上去,说明天是截止日期。另外是本州大学设立了一个奖学金的比赛,初选妹妹通过了,一月底要去复赛,问我要不要一起去参加,不过家长要自己出路费和旅馆费,还要搭上三天时间,没听说竟然还有这样赔本的奖学金,如果自己能搞定,还是自己和学校的老师一起去吧。还有Elk最有价值学生的奖学金妹妹也通过了地区初选,如果过几个星期州里也通过了,就可以和姐姐一样,每年拿至少一千块钱的奖学金了。 小不点儿也兴高采烈,说等两个姐姐都上大学之后,父母就可以带她去迪士尼公园去玩了。
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分享 提供全额奖学金的美国大学
席琳 2016-9-21 10:04
2016-9-20 全美共有七十九所大学提供免费奖学金,大概没州都有至少一所以上的大学保证州内优秀子女免费上学。排在美国新闻合世界报道大学排名前五十名之内的大学如下: 1、杜克大学 - The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program’s investment begins with the selection of a diverse community of undergraduate students – generally 18 at Duke and 18 at UNC-Chapel Hill each year – who demonstrate extraordinary potential. This scholarship pays full tuition plus fees, room and board, and also gives funding for up to three domestic summer experiences. The award is given to students who show purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit. It provides these young leaders with exceptional benefits and a distinctive set of shared experiences: Four-year scholarship, including undergraduate tuition, mandatory fees, room and board; Unique access to the academic and extracurricular offerings at both Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill;Three summers of domestic and international experiences;Customized leadership and professional development opportunities;Extensive community of Robertson Scholars, alumni, and staff. 2、范德堡大学 - Ingram Scholarship This scholarship gives full tuition and stipends for summer projects. Students are selected based on commitment to community service, strength of personal character, and leadership potential. The application deadline is December 1st. Ingram Scholars are selected on the basis of commitment to community service, strength of personal character, and leadership potential. In evaluating candidates, the selection committee reviews scholarship application essays and two letters of recommendation. Ingram Scholar Finalists are also required to interview on campus with the selection committee. 3、华盛顿大学 - 有三个奖学金 John B. Ervin’s Scholar Program - This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $2,500 annual stipend. Applicants should excel academically, challenge themselves, demonstrate initiative and leadership in their communities, bring diverse groups together, commit to community service, serve historically underprivileged populations, and/or persevere through challenging circumstances. This nationally pre-eminent program is intended to foster a richly diverse educational atmosphere on campus and to enhance the overall quality and diversity of the Washington University student body. The Ervin Scholars Program is open to all qualified applicants, regardless of race, who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Anika Rodriguez Scholars Program - This scholarship gives full tuition and a $2,500 annual stipend. Awards are based on academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application. The Rodriguez Scholars Program is open to all applicants. Awards are based on academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application. To remain eligible for scholarships, finalists will need to come to Washington University March 30 through April 2, 2017, for the interviews and related activities . Danforth Scholars Program - This scholarship covers full tuition. Applicants must be nominated by someone with extensive knowledge of the student. Undergraduates must be nominated to receive consideration. All students admitted to graduate study at Washington University will be automatically considered for a graduate Danforth Scholarship. This is a merit-based program, but need will be considered as part of the award process. Each summer a call for nominations goes out to high school guidance counselors. Nominations are due by November 15, 2016. To be considered for the scholarship, the student must return the application, short answers, essay, and transcript to the committee by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on January 15, 2017 . 4、圣母大学 - Stamps Leadership Scholarship This scholarship gives full tuition plus $12,000 in enrichment funds. Winners are also given faculty and professional mentors. Students must be nominated by the admissions office. Selection is based on leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation. A maximum of five are awarded each year. 5、埃默里大学 - 埃默里奖学金 Emory University offers partial to full merit-based scholarships as part of the Emory University Scholar Programs. The aim of the campus scholar community is to empower students, through distinct resources and support, to reach their full potential and have a notable impact on the university, Atlanta, and the greater global community. To be guaranteed consideration for the Emory University Scholar selection process students must submit all required application materials by theNovember 15Emory University Scholar Programs deadline. Applicants will need to select one of Emory's three admission decision plans (Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision). Please note students applying Early Decision I (EDI) may apply for the Scholar Programs, but need to meet the EDI November 1 deadline for all application materials. 6、加州大学洛杉矶分校 - The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship (SFCF) Program This scholarship gives full tuition, plus an enrichment fund up to $12,000. You have to be nominated by the University for this scholarship based upon such qualities as leadership, scholarship, community service, innovation. A maximum of ten are awarded every year: five nationally, and five for California residents. The nomination deadline is February 1st. 7、南加州大学 - 有三个奖学金 Mork Family Scholarship - This scholarship gives full tuition, plus a $5,000 stipend. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of ten scholarships are awarded each year. The submission deadline is April 1st. Stamps Leadership Scholarship - This scholarship gives full tuition, plus a $5,000 enrichment fund. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of ten scholarships are awarded each year. The submission deadline is April 1st. Trustee Scholarship - This scholarship gives full tuition. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of 100 scholarships are awarded each year. The submission deadline is April 1st. 8、弗吉尼亚大学 - Jefferson Scholars The Jefferson Scholar Stipend in 2016-2017 will exceed: $61,000fornon-Virginian students; $31,000for Virginian students;Jefferson Scholars’ stipend includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, and personal expenses. No one may apply for a Jefferson Scholarship directly. For the regional competitions, a prospective Jefferson Scholar must be nominated by his/her school (eligible schools may nominate one or two students per year from the senior class). Currently, over 4,200 secondary schools are eligible to nominate in the regional competitions. 9、乔治亚理工大学 - Stamps President’s Scholarship Georgia Tech’s prestigious four-year, full-ride Stamps President’s Scholarship (originally named the President's Scholarship Program), est. 1981, is offered annually to the top one percent of first-year students. Recipients are selected based upon holistic excellence and potential within the program’s four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Progress, and Service. Approximately 40 total students will be awarded (20 Georgians and 20 residents of other states)。 A full-ride scholarship covering tuition, mandatory fees, housing, meal plan, books, and academic supplies, personal expenses, and a stipend during freshman year for a laptop. $15,000 enrichment funding for pillar-based international experiences, unpaid internships, unpaid research, conferences, etc. This is the early action application deadline for Georgia Tech. You must apply by Oct 15, 2016 to be considered for the Stamps President's Scholarship. 10、约翰霍夫金斯大学 - Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering The Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering is made possible through a gift from Kwok-Leung Li, a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Department. Mr. Li achieved great success as an entrepreneur in the communications and network industries. The scholarships are named in honor of Professor Westgate who has dedicated his career to the education of undergraduate students. He has been widely recognized for his excellence in teaching and his interest in helping students in independent research and guided study. These merit-based scholarships provide full tuition per year and a stipend toward living expenses for four years of undergraduate study in engineering. Students in any engineering major may be considered for the scholarships. Up to two scholarships are available for entering students each year. To be considered for this award, students must: 1. Apply for freshman admission to Johns Hopkins University by January 1, and indicate your interest in majoring in Engineering. 2. Present an outstanding high school record and achievements in other areas including leadership, success in science fairs, and evidence of independent research. 11、 Wake Forest University - Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship This scholarship gives full tuition and a stipend. Selection is based on scholarship, achievement and personal interviews. The application deadline is December 1st . These special awards cover all expenses associated with attending college, plus stipend; They are based on Scholarship, achievement, and personal interviews. 12、波士顿学院 - 校长奖学金 This scholarship pays full tuition at Boston College. A maximum of 15 awards are given every year. Students must be invited by a selection committee before applying. The application deadline is November 1st .To apply to be a Boston College Presidential Scholar you simply apply through BC's Early Action application process and meet the early action deadline of November 1st. There is no separate Presidential Scholars application form. 13、波士顿大学 - Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering This scholarship awards full tuition plus fees. There are a maximum of 20 awards given per year. In order to be selected, you will need to have a 4.0 GPA, be intellectually and creatively adventurous, and show that you have viewpoints, experiences, and achievements that are beyond average. The application deadline is December 1st. 14、伊利诺大学 - Stamps Leadership Foundation This scholarship gives full tuition and $12,000 for enrichment activities. A maximum of five are awarded each year .The scholarship covers not only the total estimated cost of attendance, but also includes an Enrichment Fund to support study abroad, undergraduate research, unpaid internships, conferences and other enrichment activities as approved by the Foundation. 15、约翰霍夫金斯大学 - Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering The Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering is made possible through a gift from Kwok-Leung Li, a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Department. Mr. Li achieved great success as an entrepreneur in the communications and network industries. The scholarships are named in honor of Professor Westgate who has dedicated his career to the education of undergraduate students. He has been widely recognized for his excellence in teaching and his interest in helping students in independent research and guided study. These merit-based scholarships provide full tuition per year and a stipend toward living expenses for four years of undergraduate study in engineering. Students in any engineering major may be considered for the scholarships. Up to two scholarships are available for entering students each year. To be considered for this award, students must: 1. Apply for freshman admission to Johns Hopkins University by January 1, and indicate your interest in majoring in Engineering. 2. Present an outstanding high school record and achievements in other areas including leadership, success in science fairs, and evidence of independent research. 16、北卡大学 - 同杜克大学 17、土狼大学 - This scholarship gives full tuition. Selection is based on general achievements and a creative project. A maximum of 75 are awarded each year. The submission deadline is November 15th . 18、迈阿密大学 - George W. Jenkins Scholarship, funded by Publix Super Markets Charities The scholarship is valued at more than $62,000 per year; in total, it is worth more than $250,000 over four years. The award includes tuition and fees, on-campus room and board, a meal plan, University health insurance, and a laptop allowance. Students may also receive a stipend for books, transportation, and personal expenses. The Jenkins Scholarship is one of UM’s distinguished Programs of Academic Excellence. With the support of the Office of Academic Enhancement, Jenkins Scholars take part in exclusive programs, benefit from one-on-one advising, participate in group community service efforts, and are personally referred for additional prestigious academic opportunities.To be considered for the Jenkins Scholarship, candidates must be nominated by their high school counselor. Open only to residents of AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, and TN,and requires additional forms which can be found online at miami.edu/jenkins 。 Completed application for undergraduate admission by December 1.
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分享 妹妹进入全美优胜奖学金半决赛
热度 44 席琳 2016-9-19 10:27
2016-9-18 周五的早上妹妹挨了一顿骂,因为周四晚上学校橄榄球比赛啦啦队回来大概是太累的缘故,倒头便睡,问有没有作业,说没有。可是周五一大早起来又说有作业,让直接开车送学校,可以早一点到学校补作业。于是气不打一处来,骂她做事情没有计划,也不知道轻重缓急。 放学回家的路上妹妹悄悄地说她进入了全美优胜奖学金的半决赛名单,心想这也算是喜讯,妹妹的PSAT成绩早就知道,进去应该是不成问题的。上网一查果然全县47个人,妹妹的学校占了将近一半,姐姐的学校今年才四个人,去年也只有五个人。姐姐也没有进去,不怎么太影响大学申请,唯一的损失是拿不到2500块钱的奖学金。 根据该项活动的组织者9月14日的新闻公报,全美今年大概有两万两千所高中的160万应届毕业生根据PSAT考试的成绩参加优胜奖学金的竞争,根据每个州不一样的分数线取前百分之一也就是全美一万六千名进入半决赛(每一所高中平均不到一名)。其中的一万五千名学生和学校要填申请表格和补充材料,然后再从中选取 一半 也就是七千五百名最终的优胜者,获得总额约330万美元的奖学金。 其中的2500名,每人直接从组织者获得2500块钱的奖学金,1000名,获得来自230个基金会数目不等的企业赞助,另外的4000名,获得全国大概190所大学提供的从全免学费到全免所有费用数额不等的奖学金,但前提是,你必须去这些学校念书。 妹妹说,她目前正在准备申请材料,这也是目前为止妹妹唯一可以超越姐姐的地方。姐姐则说,长江后浪推前浪,把姐姐拍在了沙滩上。当然,姐姐的原话,可没有这样客气。 姐姐周六打电话说,上星期一晚上去洗衣房,都一点多钟了,把钥匙锁在了房间里,结果就在楼道的沙发上睡了一晚上,第二天一个同学起来,姐姐还在沙发上呼呼大睡,就帮姐姐照了张相,姐姐自己放在网上自嘲,看起来有很多的教训,大人说了总是不听,还都要她们自己去学习。姐姐说现在她很多的大学同学都觉得她傻,好多的玩笑话,姐姐都信以为真,以至于大家集体创作了一个姐姐语录,放在网上,时不时的嘲笑她,姐姐也不以为意,反而觉得这样过得很愉快。
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分享 意想不到的奖学金
热度 30 席琳 2016-6-1 10:10
2016-5-31 今天姐姐被邀请参加社区基金会的一个奖学金的发奖仪式,是前一阶段面试的时候因为负责接待的秘书的疏忽而被闹砸了的那个,家长也可以参加,去的大概有十几家,结果宣布的时候,有十一个小孩得奖 , 这不是根据家庭需要才可以申请的那种奖学金, 很多小孩都是SAT或ACT考满分的主,可是每个小孩得多少奖学金,互相之间都不知道。坐在我们旁边的一个女孩是个龙凤双胞胎,哥哥不知道为什么没来,双胞胎的爸爸特能说,偷偷告诉我说 得了一万块钱, 高兴的不得了,说本来以为就是500块钱呢, 没想到一下子得这么多。 我说我的一个同事,也是双胞胎,前几年的时候,也是这个奖学金,每人得了一万五千块钱。 不过我们开始的时候,也以为这个奖学金总共不过一两千块钱,虽然递交了姐姐录取罗德岛设计学校时画的自行车做投名状,但由于日程冲突,就没有准备参加面试,因为听了这个同事的聊天,知道这个奖学金的数目不菲,才最后一分钟决定废了去New Haven的机票和 新生 体验校园生活的机会, 临时 赶场参加这项奖学金面试的,可是又不走运,事与愿违,被秘书给耽误了。 负责奖学金面试的协调人当时就安慰姐姐说,请别难过,给我点儿信任,这么多天过去,再无消息,我们以为也就是说一说而已,可是宣布获奖的小孩中果然就有姐姐,这样没有经过面试,也可以获得每年两千块,四年总共是八千块钱的奖学金。今天社区基金会的奖学金协调人还专门跑到姐姐面前,再一次说对不起,听说姐姐家里还有一个妹妹,明年也毕业, 就 赶忙说妹妹明年也必须要申请这项奖学金,这样四百块换八千块,给妹妹还赚了个人情,也算是塞翁失马,焉知非福的了。 姐姐高中毕业前选修的最后的一门课,是AP物理课,在课堂上得的是个B,老师知道这是姐姐四年所有的课中唯一的一个B(85.4),就给了姐姐额外的附加分,改成了A(89.8)。姐姐的一个同班同学问这个物理老师,说能不能也把我的分数给改一改,老师说,拉倒了吧您,这四年 您 得的B,已经够多的了,改不过来了。反正这是毕业班的最后一学期,也没有人关心考试的成绩了。 妹妹在高中的物理课也不好,去年就得过一个B(87.5),也是唯一的一个B,自己也不知道去找老师理论,今年就小心翼翼,生怕再得一个B,被别的小孩给追上来,和妹妹玩得非常好的一个越南男孩,整天就想着怎么帮妹妹复习物理课,比自己要得一个B还吃紧,结果另外和妹妹也玩的非常好一个中美混血男孩,就取笑这个越南男孩,说这个越南男孩,整年整月整天就生活在妹妹的分数中。 妹妹的学习不如姐姐上心,可是比姐姐会享受生活,人家一边复习功课,一边喝茶吃点心,一边偷偷地看电影,还一边大声地唱歌,整个房子里,只要妹妹在家复习功课,永远都充满了女中音。
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分享 女儿的申请结果
热度 21 即晴 2016-4-2 08:41
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三月份是大学正常申请发录取书的时间。 昨 天高中毕业生们基本收到所有申请的大学的通知。 女儿申请了19所大学, 昨 天收到了哈佛的拒绝信。阿Q点地说,她本来也没打算去哈佛上学,当初是本着可能拿奖学金,然后再跟耶鲁去讨价的想法申请的。不过被拒总归是有些扫兴的事情,但从另一方面来讲这倒正好给她泼点冷水让她认识到自己的不足。 有三个大学把她放在waiting list里:普林斯顿,约翰霍普金斯 和芝加哥大学。在waiting list,我觉得基本和拒绝没太大区别。 别的大学都给了她录取信,计有: 1, Yale 2, Cornell 3, Dartmouth 4, UC Berkeley 5, UC Davis 6, UC LA 7, U of Michigan 8, Rice University 9, UT Austin 10, U of Washington 11, Boston University 12, Northwestern University 13, U of Oklahoma 14, Willamette university (什么鬼学校?) 15, 本州大学的BA-MD program. 其中给她全奖的有本州大学,U of Oklahoma,Willamette university。 UC Davis给她四年5万多的奖学金。Boston U 给她每年2万的奖学金,Rice说了会给她,但是还没告诉具体数目,UT Austin 给了5千。 女儿前两天收到National Merit Scholarship的信,她做为finalist,得到 $2500 的奖励。她另外还得到了MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)的 $1000 奖学金。 女儿和 D 都被录取的学校有:Cornell, Dartmouth, Rice, UC Berkeley, 和 UT Austin. D 还被Stanford, Johns Hopkins 录取,被Harvard, MIT 拒了。说实话,他被MIT 拒了挺出乎我的意料。
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分享 MIT给姐姐提供的奖学金
热度 5 席琳 2016-3-17 12:10
2016-3-16 MIT给姐姐提供的奖学金出来了,基本上等于是把学费给免掉了,需要父母支付的费用不足两万块钱,和在州立大学念书没有奖学金的花销持平。而州内最好的大学提供给姐姐每年一万块钱的校长最高奖学金,加上免去一半的学费,基本上就不用花什么钱了。
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分享 南加州大学电影学院的录取通知书
热度 4 席琳 2016-1-26 12:21
2016-1-25 姐姐今天收到USC电影艺术学院(School of Cinematic Arts)的红信封,里面有两封信,其中一封是专管招生的校长签发的2016年秋季入学的录取资格证明,没有签发的日期,另外一份是校长助理兼大学招生办主任于1月22日签发的祝贺信。 这些看起来都冠冕堂皇,无关紧要。紧要的是另外附加的一张纸条,详细说明被录取的专业和学士学位,还有学校所提供的奖学金的状态:祝贺你被选为学校全额奖学金的终选人(finalist),请在指定的时间和地点,赴学校参加面试,学校报销一半的飞机票。 网上勾一勾,南加州大学2015年新生录取大约9000人,申请的学生超过5万,录取率大约18%。而给的全额奖学金有三类,一类是专门给国际学生的,Mork Family Scholarship,资助金额是每年5万5千美金,总共发给十个学生;一类是给美国学生的,Stamps Leadership Scholarships,和前一类资助金额相同,总共发给5个学生;最后一类也是给美国学生的,叫Trustee,资助金额每年4万9千美金,总共资助100个学生,所谓八十名新生里面挑一名,竞争还算是激烈的。 另外才有校长奖学金,是半奖,减免一半学费,系主任奖学金,是四分之一奖,减免四分之一学费,等等等等,依此类推。
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分享 姐姐得了州展销会的奖学金
热度 16 席琳 2016-1-15 09:02
2016-1-14 今天姐姐说她的作品(总共十张)得了州展销会的一等奖学金,3500块奖金,得奖的人总共六名,她的学校,就她一个。下面是转过来的获奖通知: Students Teachers, Congratulation to the 6 students that received an award at this years STATE FAIR Art Portfolio Contest for High School Seniors. See attached file of the winners portfolios. Scholarship Awards Reception on Saturday, February 6th at 11 AM in the State Center. Each artist will receive tickets for their family to attend the fair. Please let me now if you will be attending. List of the 6 SCHOLARSHIP Awarded by the State Fair: 1st place - $3500 2nd place - $2500 Award of Merit - $1000 Award of Merit - $1000 Award of Merit - $1000 Award of Merit - $1000 The scholarship must be used at an accredited art institution or college/university where the student is enrolled with an art related major/minor. Instructions will be provided to you receive your award certificate. 姐姐的这些作品原来是为今年早些时候的一个全国性大奖而创作的,但是没有获奖。她自己认为比去年提交的作品要好,用的是传统绘画和计算机软件结合的技巧,每一幅画都是动态的,不过东方不亮西方亮,终于在这里得到了承认。
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分享 说说美国餐饮业的小费
热度 53 不爱吱声 2014-10-24 08:23
刚来美国的时候,对于美国餐饮业的小费十分不适应,以及不理解。听说,小费应该是给10%到20%之间,取个中间值15%比较普遍。那时候还是吊丝留学生,生活靠奖学金,于是舍不得给小费,觉得给10%又太低,就给12%。后来,一位师兄的老婆到餐馆里打工,听她说小费对她很重要,因为小费是她收入的大头,他们的基本工资很低。这才知道原来美国的小费不仅仅是对服务人员服务态度的肯定或者否定,还有一层意思:就是除了食品之外的附加服务费。只不过在中国或世界其他国家,服务费是直接打到饭钱里面,而美国是分开算的。这有点像消费税,在美国买商品有消费税,而美国的消费税也是单独列到帐单中,一目了然。 其实在美国的法律中,对于收小费的雇员和普通雇员的薪水下限都是区分开来的 对于普通雇员,最低薪金平均有7块钱以上,各个州有不同的规定,这里是详细列表: http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/america.htm 对于收小费的雇员,最低薪金平均就只有2块钱多一点了,各个州有不同规定,这里是详细列表: http://www.dol.gov/whd/state/tipped.htm 因此,对于那些收小费的雇员,他们的小费收入才是他们的大头收入,当然大多数美国人都会愿意付15%以上的服务费的(也就是小费),因此这些收小费的雇员一般收入也都会远远超过普通雇员最低薪金的。 另外,也不是所有餐饮业的服务人员都是属于tipped employee,比如说在连锁快餐店比如麦当劳的那些收银员就是不收小费的,他们按普通会员算,薪金也就是比规定的最低薪金高一点点。 对于美国这种比较独特的在别国看来比较古怪的制度,自己也一直不理解,不过慢慢也琢磨出点经济学上的道理。 假定服务费是直接算到餐馆的饭菜中的,那么按15%来讲,菜价就多了15%。这种情形下,老板除了通过饭菜中盈利外,还可以通过服务费盈利,比如说我可以通过少招服务员来赚取那部分服务费,这样服务员的劳动强度会增大,服务质量或许有降低。而如果让服务人员自己收小费( 服务),而老板只需要付他们很少的基本工资,难么增加或减少一个服务员给老板带来的利润好处或坏处就不那么大了。 美国有很多制度与其它国家不同,开始很不适应,时间长了慢慢也就习惯了, 入乡随俗贝。
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分享 ZT 反腐运动波及EMBA课程 中国官员禁接受商学院奖学金
热度 11 jerf71 2014-9-10 00:20
好招,妙招。 中国一些商学院让官员免费入学,目的是用官员来吸引那些热衷搞关系混人脉的新富私企老板报读在职MBA项目。目前,不少就读EMBA课程的官员急于退学。新政令对正在蓬勃发展的中国商学院来说,将是巨大打击。 还有牛人的讨说法, 过去几个月,随着反腐力度加大,有数十名中国部级官员遭撤职。这些人中读过EMBA的寥寥无几,但几乎都读过中央党校。难道我们要关掉中央党校? ——中欧国际工商学院荣誉院长刘吉 (曾任中共上海市委宣传部副部长,中国社科院副院长,现为中欧国际工商学院荣誉院长) 我严重怀疑荣誉院长刘吉也是中央党校荣誉毕业。 2014年09月08日 (北京综合讯)中国反腐运动波及高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)项目,官员将被禁止接受商学院奖学金。目前,官员们正急于从就读的EMBA项目中脱身。 据英国《金融时报》前天报道, 中共已禁止党内、政府部门和国企的党员领导干部报名攻读学费昂贵的商务培训项目,除非他们事先得到批准,并自己承担学费,那些已经在读此类项目的官员必须立即退学。 自2012年底习近平就任中共总书记以来,反腐已成为他的标志性政策。 上述最新举措,据信是中共要预防这类在职MBA等行政管理培训会成为搞关系的温床。在中国的政坛上,这种关系容易滋生腐败、贿赂和寻租。 新政令对正在蓬勃发展的中国商学院来说,将是巨大打击。中国商学院内的这类在职MBA项目,收费可能超过60万元(人民币,下同,12万新元)。不过,有些商学院让官员免费入学,目的是用官员来吸引那些热衷搞关系混人脉的新富私企老板。 中国的EMBA学生中,政府官员约占5%到8%,他们大多享有商学院出资设立的奖学金。 学者:料三分一学生退学 曾任中共上海市委宣传部副部长,中国社科院副院长,现为中欧国际工商学院荣誉院长的 刘吉警告说,这项新政策可能会迫使多达三分之一的EMBA学生退学。刘吉认为,这将损害中国的经济利益和市场自由化,当局不应该因为发现个别腐败的案例,就“让一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅汤”。 他说:“过去几个月,随着反腐力度加大,有数十名中国部级官员遭撤职。这些人中读过EMBA的寥寥无几,但几乎都读过中央党校。难道我们要关掉中央党校?” 《金融时报》采访的三所知名中国商学院均表示, 最近几周,许多在中共党内和政府机构任职的EMBA学生要求退学,或回绝了入学邀请及奖学金。 报道称,官方是上月发布这一政策文件,但并未指明禁止攻读的高管培训项目的具体类型。但是,商学院和有官员背景的学生都普遍认为,该文件主要针对EMBA。 中国官媒新华社今年7月即曾曝光,北京大学的“后EMBA班”,学费66万8000元,学生有一半是官员。 该报记者以中共干部身份联系上北京大学“后EMBA班”招生办,一名姓张的教师介绍说:“已经招满四个班,每班40人,其中一半是政界人士,想报名得趁早。”今年招生形势火爆。 负责招生工作的于老师说:“本以为八项规定、反‘四风’后报名人数会减少,但我们发现很多领导干部的学习计划并未减少。” 根据课程的规定,报名的党政领导干部行政级别须正处级以上,66万8000元仅包括学费、书本资料费、证书费、教学管理费和拓展培训费,学员在国内外学习考察期间的交通和食宿费得自理,而且得一次性付款。 不过,如果能推荐三名企业家学员报读,官员的60多万元学费可得到减免。 新华社当时引述国家行政学院教授竹立家分析说,官员通过一些“天价培训”,形成政商利益错综的利益集团和朋友圈,易于形成腐败集团,再者此类“醉翁之意不在酒”的奢侈培训也导致公共资源大量流失,应该列入纪委“反四风”的重点监察、打击范围。
605 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 有趣的奖学金招人
热度 45 redbud 2014-3-26 19:51
最近我拿了一份奖学金要招个博士生,广告打出去了,每天收到申请。真是想不到我这个排名中等的大学,一份奖学金居然吸引到很多Russell 24 group的学生来申请。而且大部分是优等生。 今天收到的一份申请,学生在卫星应用公司工作过,研究M2M systems,这不是活生生的MH370解说么。 可惜我不做这方面的研究,否则真该招他,这个学生非常出色。 仔细看了下卫星应用,可以扩展到生活中很多方面,非常有趣。 迄今为止,还没有收到一份来自女生的申请,搞科学的女生还是少。 其实偷偷的说,我更感兴趣的是通过CV找到申请人的Facebook,对于他们的性格啥的有个大致的了解。反正这是社交媒体的灰色领域,这几周讲社交媒体战略,其中之一就是公司雇人用社交媒体来调查申请人的生活背景,嘻嘻,我就正好用上了。 小心说话,有人在看着你!
个人分类: 工作的事|308 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 奖学金
热度 67 老马丁 2013-3-23 20:25
对了。我写工作中学校里的事大家喜欢看吧?喜欢看的就出个声。 上周班上第一帅哥来请推荐信。帅哥白人,长的真是帅,这个我也不是特在意。我在意的是他present极好,虽然是二年级,水平超过了绝大部分同级的学生。(我们这里一般来说,本科生刚进来的时候presentation特别烂,但是三年后几十次ppt, prezi presentation下来,等他们毕业的时候,大部分的presentation水平都比外面公司里的员工好), 所以印象很深。 帅哥来请一封期中推荐信,即请还在上课的老师测评一下当前的课程表现,通常是转学用的。好吧,既然从本校转学,应该是MIT藤校一档才值得考虑。我恭喜他时顺便问了问,他竟然是申请转到加州一个我从没听过名字的学院. 原因呢,我们这里专业分的太细,他想到liberal art学校里跨学科综合学习他感兴趣的东西。我知道很多学院都是藏龙卧虎,很好的,不过他申请的这个我真不知道。就算这个学习很厉害,一年3万的费用,这孩子家里看来这么有钱啊。于是我试图说服他学校名气,学习专业和学费的重要性,他说以后他如果对商科感兴趣,他会读MBA的。我心里默默的说“孩子,如果你混得好,一个好的本科学位这辈子就够了。“ 然后我又说学费,他竟然说他妈在美国联想工作,联想已经给了他奖学金。我差点脱口而出:”那是中国人民的血汗钱啊。” 后来一问,才5000块。我心里好受了点。最后我在推荐表上给了他一个A, 反正期末也不用落实。 祝帅哥好运后想起一个在温哥华做留学生意的朋友。她的生意比别人的好,签证通过率也高。她的秘密:如果学费是3万,她就和学校商量弄成4万,然后对学生说,因为你很优秀,你获得了本校的1万 xxx奖学金。家长激动,国内的学校有眼无珠,国外的学校真是伯乐。签证官也点头,这是半奖嘛,签证通过率肯定要比自费高。学校无所谓,她赚到了钱和名声:特有能力帮搞定奖学金。
个人分类: 闲谈|160 次阅读|46 个评论
分享 祝福一下表弟飞跃重洋
热度 17 樱木花道 2012-3-31 09:55
昨天电话得知。 表弟从北大毕业 要去美国加州大学金克拉分校读理科博士了。    而且也搞定了学妹作gf。 祝福他!     PS:这狗大户 还在抱怨奖学金才三万刀。 我靠,当年我在他这个岁数的时候,在山沟里一年税前年薪都不到三万人民币。
817 次阅读|10 个评论


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