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分享 科研品味和能力是一对矛盾
gordon 2016-5-3 12:53
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.” **************************************************************************************** 其实你更需要的是温暖 。 这也是美国的科研制度和英国的科研制度的差异。美国确实是冷冰冰的,但它也有自己固有的优势。 跟着导师混也很好。 注:能力象肌肉一样,锻炼才能生长。 最好有一个健身计划。储备了一段时间,积攒了一些资料,可以有一次 远征。good luck **************************************************************************************** 先学死,后学活。也是对的 不要被别人的精彩干扰了。 扩展阅读: 野战能力的培养 —— 消费比节俭好,狐狸比刺猬好 http://www.aswetalk.net/bbs/home.php?mod=spaceuid=663do=blogid=59301 **************************************************************************************** 有人知道一些,有人知道全部。 人和人是有差别的。但是也保证不了,你能冲过这道门槛,还需要你自己的努力。 而且, 世事变迁 ,我说的东西,有时候都没用了。 还是需要你重新提炼出来 。 所以, 我一直认为 德国的研究型大学是最好的。 另:不要过分努力,接受自己的不完美。
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分享 关于Armstrong的一篇综述
热度 3 bayer 2012-8-27 17:07
“It’s a great rarity today for someone to achieve athletic success who doesn’t take drugs.” That quote seems rather timely, in the wake of the news that cyclist Lance Armstrong will no longer fight the accusations of doping leveled at him by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency . The charges may cost Armstrong all seven of his Tour de France titles. The development in Armstrong’s case follows two recent drug suspensions in baseball—in the past 10 days Melky Cabrera, an All-Star outfielder for the San Francisco Giants, and Bartolo Colón, a starting pitcher for the Oakland Athletics, both received 50-game bans after testing positive for artificial testosterone. But the quote above has nothing to do with modern-day athletics. It comes from a retired track coach quoted in a 1971 New York Times Magazine article. (The article’s author, sportswriter and activist Jack Scott, who died in 2000, has one of the more interesting biographies you’ll find—Oberlin College athletic director, Bill Walton confidant, onetime suspected associate of the Symbionese Liberation Army.) Whether or not the coach’s statement then was somewhat hyperbolic, it’s clear that the drug problem has loomed over the sports world for a long time. And although the abuses in cycling have become harder to ignore in just the past two decades, the sport has been home to all manner of chemical enhancements for more than 100 years. Jacques Anquetil, a French cyclist who won the Tour de France five times in the 1950s and 1960s, openly admitted to doping. “Everyone in cycling dopes himself,” he said in Scott’s 1971 article. “Those who claim they don’t are liars.” In Anquetil’s era, the agents of choice were stimulants such as amphetamines, but as early as the late 1800s cyclists fueled up with a mixture of coca leaf extract and wine called Vin Mariani, according to a 1983 Hastings Center report . Baseball, too, had its period of rampant amphetamine use, which is viewed in an almost nostalgic light now that stronger performance enhancers such as anabolic steroids and human growth hormone have tainted the game’s image. But in endurance sports such as cycling, performance enhancement can be especially deadly. At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, a Danish cyclist named Knud Enemark Jensen lost consciousness during a race, fell from his bicycle and died. Postmortem tests reportedly revealed the presence of amphetamines in his system. After English rider Tom Simpson collapsed and died during the 1967 Tour de France, amphetamines were found both in his bloodstream and in a vial tucked inside his jersey. More recently, cyclists have boosted their endurance with the use of an artificial version of the hormone erythropoietin, or EPO, which stimulates red blood cell production and boosts the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Danish cyclist Bjarne Riis, who won the 1996 Tour de France, later admitted that he used EPO during that time. EPO thickens the blood, and it also has proved dangerous. After a spate of suspicious rider deaths, a 1991 New York Times article highlighted the deadly potential of the drug du jour. “There is no absolute proof, but there’s so much smoke that most of us are convinced,” University of Oklahoma hematologist Randy Eichner told the newspaper. “You just don’t get 18 deaths in four years, mysteriously, with 10 of them attributed to cardiac problems.” Cycling insiders, too, noticed drastic changes in 1991. That is the year that three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond thinks that EPO took over his sport. As he told Scientific American writer Michael Shermer in 2008 , “Something was different in the 1991 Tour. There were riders from previous years who couldn’t stay on my wheel who were now dropping me on even modest climbs.” LeMond had won the race the two previous years, but he fell to seventh place in 1991. from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Indeed, since the mid-1990s there have been few Tour winners who did not later run afoul of antidoping authorities. A quick look at 15 years of victors: 1996: Bjarne Riis (EPO; retains title) 1997: Jan Ullrich, Germany (found guilty of doping in 2012; race results annulled back to 2005) 1998: Marco Pantani, Italy (failed a blood test at the 1999 Giro d’Italia; died of a cocaine overdose in 2004) 1999–2005: Lance Armstrong, U.S. (accused of doping; titles likely to be stripped ) 2006: Floyd Landis, U.S. (race-day tests revealed elevated testosterone levels ; title stripped) 2007: Alberto Contador, Spain (see below) 2008: Carlos Sastre, Spain (clean) 2009–2010: Contador (tested positive in 2010 for clenbuterol, an anabolic agent; 2010 title stripped) It’s a sad state of affairs, but perhaps the latest developments will provide some vindication for LeMond, who has long voiced suspicions about Armstrong, Contador and others. If Armstrong’s seven Tour wins are vacated, just as Landis’s 2006 victory was, LeMond will once again become the only American cyclist to have officially won the world’s most prestigious race.
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分享 [ZT]Desiree's Diary(Book One)Chapter 9 The Same Evening: …But someone Stopped M
热度 1 平沙落雁 2012-3-25 22:25
I tried hard to free myself from that hand. I pulled and kicked and screamed. But a quiet voice was saying: "dont be afraid. Desiree. Come with me. Here is my carriage." He was much stronger than me.. He pushed me into the carriage. Then he said to the driver. "Go on. Theres no hurry now. Just drive till I tell you to stop." I was cold and wet and afraid. I was crying. My body was shaking. But a big warm hand came towards me and held my hand. "I want to get out, please." I begged. "I want to get out!" The voice answered: "No, Mademoiselle desirre. You asked me to take you into Madame Talliens house. Now you must stay with me till we reach your home." "Are you General Bernadotte? " I asked. "I hate generals. They have no hearts." "Some generals are different," he said. And he put his cloak round my shoulder. I remembered another went night, when another general had put his cloak around me. But now I was too tired to worry any more. He pulled me closer to him, and my head rested on his arm. "I behaved very badly at Madame Talliens house," I said. "Please forgive me. But General Bonaparte had promised to marry me." Then I started to cry again. "Of course I forgive you," he answered. "Im very sorry for you. But Bonaparte wasnt going to marry you. He was going to marry a rich girl in Marseilles. Madame Tallien told me so. The rich girl could only offer him money. But Bonaparte wants power; and Barrass woman can help him to get it. You couldnt do that." "How do you know?" I asked him. "Because youre a good little girl. You dont understand how great ladies behave. You arent like that fair-haired woman on the sofa, that Josephine. Youre honest and sweet. I like you, and --- " his voice suddenly changed. "--- and I want to marry you myself!" "Youre as cruel as Napoleon," I said. "Im not going any further." And I shouted: "Driver! Stop!" But the general shouted even louder: "Drive on at once!" then he turned to me and said: "Please forgive me. Im not used to girls like you. Ive never asked anyone else to be my wife, and I really would like to marry you. Please listen, and dont cry." His voice was so gentle that I had to listen. "My father was a poor man." He said. "I joined the army when I was only fifteen. I was an ordinary soldier then. After the revolution I become an officer. Now Im a general. But perhaps Im too old for you? Im thirty-one." "Im going to be sixteen soon," I answered. "But Im tired. I want to go home." "Of course. I was forgiving that," he said kindly. "where do you live?" I gave him the address, and he told the driver. We werent far from the place. "Please think about it, Desirre. Ive always wanted a wife and a child. But a soldiers life hasnt given me the chance. I cant follow the usual customs before I ask you to marry me. I have to decide very quickly. And now Ive decided." "Dear God!" I thought. "How difficult this man is! He really does want to marry me. What can I say?" We had reached the house. He opened the carriage door, and he helped me to get out. "Good night," I said. "and thank you for everything. Dont worry about me, I shant go back to the river." "Youre a brave girl," he replied. "When may I come and hear your answer? The day after tomorrow?" I shook my head. "Its not possible, general. Really it isnt. Surely you can see the reason? Im not too young for you, but Im much too small." I rushed into the house and shut the door behind me. But I couldnt sleep. I shall never sleep again. So Im sitting at the kitchen table and Im writing my diary. The day after tomorrow this man Bernadotte will come. I dont know where I shall be. But I shant be here.
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