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分享 沧海桑田,何须百年
热度 5 席琳 2012-2-16 17:03
2012-2-15 Grange-over-Sands,沙滩上的农庄,位于英格兰西北部湖区公园的南端,气候温暖适宜,是英国老人,渡假和居住的理想去处。1995年10月初,曾经在这个海湾小镇待过几天,见证过在一英里长的小镇海滨走廊(the mile-long waterfront promenade)上,晚间散布时看大西洋潮涨潮落的动人景象。 The entry in the Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Britain’s Coast says “There are children’s amusements and bowling and putting greens near the mile-long waterfront promenade”。 可是最近看到一个博客,说现在这一切都变了,再在海滨走廊上散布,已经看不见潮水和沙滩了: “Now separated from the sea by reclaimed marshland, Flookburgh was once so close to the shore that high tides would bring waves washing along the main street.” This appears to be what has happened at Grange-Over-Sands as although the promenade still exists, it is now alongside grazing land, with the sea out in the distance. Apparently in the late 90s there was a growth of spartina grass which by the early 2000s had turned the beach into a saltmarsh, now used as grazing land for sheep. You can still see the sea in the distance, but the sand is now grassed over and the children’s amusements have all gone. It’s actually quite interesting to take a walk along the promenade and see the sea wall. However rather than being a fun seaside resort it’s more of a curiosity than a beach. 英国是一个变化十分缓慢的国家,连我当年居住过的有100多年历史的只有七个客房的老旅馆,至今还都原汁原味,没有什么变化。可是这些自然界的事情的发生,也不过才十几年的光景。
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