

爱吱声 标签 world 相关日志

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分享 智者疑虑重重而愚者自信满满
热度 24 2016-2-17 09:12
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. ---- Charles Bukowski
823 次阅读|29 个评论
分享 户外世界,outdoor world(超多图,慎入)
热度 79 爱菊轩 2013-7-8 10:41
我们镇上有一个特别好玩的商店。 有多好玩呢?我是把它作为一个休闲娱乐的景点向来访的亲友们介绍的。 昨天我们一家人又去了逛了一圈儿,目的是给豆包儿爷爷买双结实耐磨的鞋。虽然没碰到合适的,但是全家都觉得此行不虚。 商店离家只有五分钟的车程,但我们先去了豆包儿爸爸的研究所等了十分钟,包包居然睡着了..... 商店到了 包包显然没睡醒,进商店之前还挺不高兴的呢 瞧瞧这气派的大门,上面装饰的都是货真价实的鹿角啊! 门厅里,墙上是早期“户外运动者”的老照片和鹿头 再往里走,是一个布置成“猎户客厅”的区域,冬天的时候这个巨大的壁炉里烧着的可是真正的柴火,非常有感觉! 两个小角落 爷爷奶奶对这些牛角扶手兽皮椅子感兴趣至极 豆包儿也找到了自己喜欢的物件 看到这面墙,我突然想起了胖卡——这小子肯定喜欢这样炫耀性的装饰..... 看到这儿,您看出来这是个什么商店了吗? 著名的户外用品店,Bass Pro Shop! 美国人的户外活动显然不只是登山钓鱼这样温情的项目,要玩心跳的。 这是打猎区,弓弩枪械摆得一排一排的,总有一款适合你。 东湖那样的猎人在林子里蹲守就这副样子。展示的树挂是猎人们用来把自己藏在高处的。 卖弓猎器材的柜台上面装饰着各种兽头,可见弓箭也可以是大杀器呢。 这个雄壮的鹿头好漂亮,我都想弄一个回家挂墙上了。 杨豆包儿目前对动物的感知仅限于画册上的平面形象,见到这个立体的狗熊,她居然能和书本上的知识联系起来,学着我模仿熊的叫声嗷嗷地叫....... 现在最适合她的项目是给钓鱼爱好者展示各种常见淡水鱼的水族箱 这里有条好大的长吻鱼啊!我的问题是:这个能吃吗.......好吃吗.......? 乘坐古董式观览电梯上二楼 从电梯的窗户望出去 从二楼往下看 货架上装饰着各样的动物标本 光学仪器(望远镜)柜台 二楼还有个游戏区,豆包儿对投币的光电射击枪很感兴趣呢,难道是个“不爱红装爱武装”的吗? 昨天天特别好,窗外的蓝天白云 逛完了店之后我们的心情也特别好,回家路上感觉天高云淡 希望你看到我这篇光影流水账日志,也有个灿烂的好心情!
个人分类: 菊轩流水账|195 次阅读|37 个评论
分享 What a wonderful world
热度 4 猫元帅 2012-5-31 09:21
530 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 When we were young
热度 18 鼎革 2012-1-31 02:28
When we were young the world seemed so old Careless and cold We did what we were told in our lives When we were young Had the world by the tail, good would prevail, starships would sail And none of us would fail in this life Not when you're young We were drawn to whoever could keep us together And bound by the heavens above And we tried to survive Travelling at the speed of love Wooaaah when we were young When we adored the fabulous Wooaaah when we were young We were the foolish fearless Never knowing the cost of what we paid Letting someone else be strong Wooaaah when we were young In a moment of grace A long leap of faith There's still more glorious dawn awaits my life I'm here with the lovers Then we burned the bridges we're crossing over Just to see the firelight And the innocent are getting over being old tonight Wooaaah when we were young When everything was what it seemed Wooaaah when we were young And everyday was how we dreamed Never knowing the cost of what we paid Letting someone else be strong Wooaaah when we were young And when you look at yourself tonight Are you someone you recognise? You can take back what you've given away But it must be the last time Wooaaah when we were young Wooaaah when we were young When we were young Wooaaah when we were young When we adored the fabulous Wooaaah when we were young We were the foolish fearless Wooaaah when we were young We didn't know it wouldn't last Wooaaah when we were young
50 次阅读|18 个评论


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