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分享 建筑学专业
席琳 2017-1-6 15:57
2017-1-6 新闻中关于浙江大学建筑学专业学霸 胡一捷的报道中有如下一段自我叙述: 我正在申请国外很多名校的建筑学专业。我对建筑学有很清晰的思考。建筑综合了理科、人文以及艺术,同时又汇集着哲学、逻辑以及社会学。建筑,由于其学科本身复杂宏大的特性,在学习的过程中,能给我自身价值观、思维方式的形成带来极大的帮助。建筑关乎于历史与未来,关乎于人类与土地,建筑蕴含的这种集大成的世界,让我决心用一生在其中探索,乐此不疲。 我们家妹妹在她申请大学的文章中,有类似的几段话: As a fast-kinesthetic learner, I find the architectural balance between STEM and art perfect. It’s real hard to believe, however, the notion to pursue an architectural career hadn’t dawned on me sooner( 普通 申请 论文开场白)。 Like a tree building up its layers of rings, I learn from each class I took and each activity I participated: what I loved, what I hated, and everything else in between. Staying at MICA, I remember thinking that I could do architecture for life. With architecture, I discover a fine line between sciences and humanities that combined my interests with my knack for the hands-on experience and drive to solve problems. This program not only brought a sense of challenges I am used to, but also engendered an innate motivation that I wished to experience again and again, in refining the outline of space and bettering the times we live (普通申请论文结束语)。 A combination of my love for science, art, culture, and the hands-on experience led me to love the applications of architecture and engineering to solve pressing environmental issues such as sustainability through energy conservation( 申请 耶鲁大学补充材料)。 建筑学专业是大学学科中的苦行僧,别人本科一般是四年,建筑学专业是五年,而且 数理化 文史哲画画样样精通,挣的钱又不比别人高。所以除非特别有兴趣,未必都能够坚持下来。可是通过自己的设计和作品,在形体上改变世界,看得见也摸得着,就有很大的成就感。林语堂说,趣是人生第五需要,寓兴趣于工作,把玩当作职业,或许才是建筑学的真谛。
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分享 美国常青藤大学建筑学院的女院长们
热度 10 席琳 2016-11-8 11:42
2016-11-7 耶鲁大学的一篇文章,讲述女性在建筑学专业上所受到的偏见和歧视。其实在每个专业上都如此,电影专业是如此,工程专业是如此,即便是美国总统这个职业,也都是男性为主。 不久前我所在的大学,一个后来也做了全美专业学会主席的女教授,也为曾经是全美第一个专业女教授而自豪,其实早在六十年前,在林徽因的年代,中国的第一位专业女教授就已经产生了。 说实在话,现今对于女性是好事而不是坏事,很容易一不小心就可以创造历史。而男性则至为可怜,既难于前无古人,也难于后无来者。 闲话少说,还是抄书吧: 美国建筑学行业中的女性歧视 A 2012 American Institute of Architects survey of 2,805 member firms found that women comprise 49 percent of architecture students and 39 percent of interns. However, when looking at the professional field, only one-fifth of firm partners and principals are women, according to the same survey. And when it comes to academia, only 25 percent of architecture faculty members and professors in the U.S. are women, according to data released in 2015 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 耶鲁大学建筑学院的女院长(2016) This year marks the first time the School of Architecture is under the direction of a female dean. Berke succeeded Robert Stern ARC ’65 and is the third woman to head one of Yale’s 12 graduate and professional schools. In addition to having taught architectural design at Yale since 1987, Berke also leads her own firm, Deborah Berke Partners, which focuses on designing hotels, residences and institutional projects. 哥伦比亚大学建筑研究院的女院长(2014) Amale Andraos is Dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) and co-founder of WORKac, a New-York based architectural and urban practice with international reach. In addition to Columbia, Andraos has taught at universities including Princeton University School of Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design, University of Pennsylvania Design School, and American University in Beirut. 普林斯顿大学建筑学院的女院长(2015) Monica Ponce de Leon has been appointed as the next dean of Princeton University School of Architecture, effective January 1, 2016. Since 2008, Ponce de Leon has served as dean of the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor where she is heavily involved in The Digital Fabrication Lab, aka FABLab. 弗吉尼亚大学建筑学院的女院长(2016),虽然弗吉尼亚大学不是常青藤,可是人家曾先后在全美建筑专业最牛逼的常青藤大学哈佛和康奈尔执教。 Elizabeth K. Meyer named dean of University of Virginia School of Architecture 宾夕法尼亚大学建筑设计学院的前任女院长(2008-2016) Marilyn Jordan Taylor is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design. She had a distinguished tenure as Dean of the School of Design from 2008 - 2016, having been a much admired practitioner. She is recognized worldwide as a thought leader in urban design, as well as a woman pioneer in the fields of architecture, planning, and construction. 耶鲁大学刚刚去世的 访问学者 - 伊拉克天才设计师 - 曾设计广州大剧院和伦敦奥运会游泳馆 But while Yale named Berke to a historic deanship, it soon lost one of its most world-renowned visiting professors with the death of Zaha Hadid . Hadid, a visiting professor at the Architecture School since 2013, was widely lauded as the greatest modern female architect. Born in 1950 in Baghdad, Hadid was the first female to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which is regarded as the Nobel Prize-equivalent in the field of architecture. Around the world, her buildings include the Guangzhou Opera House and the London Olympics Aquatic Center. Hadid died March 31 of a heart attack while being treated for bronchitis.
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分享 美国大学建筑学专业最新排名
席琳 2016-11-8 08:44
2016-11-7 2017年最好的建筑学专业排名,本科是康奈尔大学第一,雪城大学第三,莱斯大学第四。研究生院是哈佛大学第一,康奈尔和麻省理工并列第二,哥伦比亚第四,耶鲁大学第五,伯克利第六,米之根大学第七,雪城大学第八,莱斯大学第九,油喷第十。 The Top 10 Undergraduate Architecture Programs 1. Cornell University 2. California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo 3. Syracuse University 4. Rice University 5. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 6. University of Texas–Austin 7. Rhode Island School of Design 8. Pratt Institute 9. Auburn University 10. South California Institute of Architecture The Top 10 Graduate Architecture Programs 1. Harvard University 2. (Tie)Cornell University 2. (Tie)Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4. Columbia University 5. Yale University 6. University of California–Berkeley 7. University of Michigan 8. Syracuse University 9. Rice University 10. University of Pennsylvania 本科和研究生院都在前十名的只有三所大学,康奈尔、雪城大学、和莱斯大学。 当然喽,如果研究生院好,本科教育也基本上差不到哪里去,所以按照研究生院的排名去申报,一般都不会出大错。另外在研究生院中,油喷和雪城大学不在2016年的前十之内,取而代之的是华盛顿大学和弗吉尼亚理工大学。考虑到弗吉尼亚理工在历年本科教育中的排名也不低,所以弗吉尼亚理工也是建筑专业一个很不错的选择。 不过考虑到大学的综合排名,一般的学生,除非兴趣和资助上的原因,能去HYMG,自然就去这几所,基础教育不错,资助也都很好,尤其是哈佛耶鲁和MIT。按照兴趣,康奈尔自然是第一选择,尤其是本科。其他学校,如果是免费去读,才可以考虑,否则就甭用去申请了,直接去州大就是了 。
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