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分享 妹妹拿到迈阿密大学的全额奖学金
热度 41 席琳 2017-3-8 12:37
2017-3-7 昨天妹妹转过来一个伊妹儿,说是拿到了迈阿密大学的提供的全免学费奖学金: Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, one of the highest academic honors given to incoming students at the University of Miami, which covers full tuition for four years of undergraduate study. In awarding you this scholarship, we recognize your exceptional academic achievements. You were selected from an elite group of students to be part of one of the most talented and diverse classes in the history of the University of Miami. It is also my pleasure to invite you to become a member of the prestigious Foote Fellows Honors Program. As a Foote Fellow, you will have maximum freedom to explore a multitude of educational resources within the curricular framework of your school or college. Foote Fellows have access to unique learning opportunities and educational guidance within their school or college and many are able to pursue additional majors and/or minors, as well as study abroad. 迈阿密大学每年大约授予50-60名新生这类奖学金,是所有300名被邀请去面试学生的1/5,机会还是蛮大的说。 这是像迈阿密大学一样排名在前二十到五十之间的二流学校,和全美一流大学竞争优秀生源的唯一妙招。排名前十之内的学校,提供的学生按需奖学金数额,对中等收入家庭出身的学生,会有更大的诱惑,而对收入富裕的家庭,学费根本不在考虑之内,吸引力也不是很大。所以除非学生特别喜欢迈阿密大学的某一专业,否则仅靠提供奖学金,很难收到全美最顶尖的学生。
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分享 提供学习优胜奖学金的美国大学
席琳 2016-9-20 11:37
2016-9-19 Providing National Merit Scholars with university-specific scholarships is no longer the norm at other elite institutions, such as Harvard, Yale and the University of California schools. New York University is the latest to pull out of the program, bringing the total number of schools that no longer participate in the NMSP to nine. There is a reason that schools like Harvard and Yale no longer accept the NMSP: they don’t give any merit-based aid but rather need-based aid only. 1、杜克大学 - 全部花费 Duke is the only university to offer full-ride merit scholarships among those ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News and World Report. In 2013, Duke provided merit scholarships averaging about $56,000 per year to 314 students, nearly 4 percent of the undergraduate body, according to the 2013-14 survey. Duke’s average merit scholarships are amazingly high, but keep in mind that only 3.5% receive. 2、南加州大学 - 每年学费免半 National Merit Finalist Presidential Scholarship: This scholarship is open to incoming freshman students and is a half-tuition scholarship (approximately $26,000/year). The number of awards given varies every year. The scholarship is selected on the basis of PSAT performance and students are considered if they have been designated National Merit Finalists and name USC as their first-choice college with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). USC with 226 merit scholars (181 with USC support)。 3、范德堡大学 - 每年五千美金 For those finalists who also receive one of Vanderbilt's merit scholarships, we guarantee an additional $2,000 in National Merit total scholarship dollars per year from all sources (with Vanderbilt supplementing any smaller corporate or one-time National Merit Corporation awards). Those finalists who do not receive an additional merit scholarship from Vanderbilt will receive a total of $5,000 per year in National Merit scholarship from all sources (with Vanderbilt supplementing any smaller corporate or one-time National Merit Corporation awards).. 4、芝加哥大学 - 每年四千美金 University of Chicago and Washington U. are more typical of merit scholarships for schools with high ranks. Their average merit scholarships are in the $10,000 range and are given to 15% and 14% of their student bodies respectively. Foremost among these in 2015 are the University of Chicago with 294 merit scholars (207 of them with university sponsorship). National Merit Finalists are granted awards from one of three sources: the National Merit Corporation, a sponsoring corporation, or from the University of Chicago. If you are a finalist in this competition, simply report to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation that the University of Chicago is your first-choice school. National merit finalists will receive a minimum award of $4,000 per year renewable for four years from either UChicago or an outside source; in cases where a student receives a National Merit scholarship sponsored by an outside source that is less than $4,000, the University of Chicago will make up the difference between this award and our minimum National Merit award (for example, we would provide an additional $3,000 per year to a student who receives a $1,000 per year National Merit scholarship sponsored by a company or organization). 4、西北大学 - 每年2000美金 Northwestern with 206 scholars (146 with school support)。 The NU National Merit Scholarship is $2,000 annually. Renewal: The NMSC sends out scholarship renewal applications to recipients of renewable corporate or Northwestern sponsored scholarships. Scholars must submit their renewal applications directly to NMSC by the appropriate deadline date. and Vanderbilt with 206 scholars (138 with university support). 5、艾默里大学 - 两千美金 Entering National Merit finalists who notify National Merit Scholarship Corporation that Emory is their first choice college will receive a National Merit Scholarship of $2000 sponsored by Emory. If the National Merit Scholarship recipient has been awarded institutional grant funding, the grant award will not be reduced by the amount of the scholarship.
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