"The problem with the real estate market is, because the government left it for so long, there is no good outcome," said NDP housing critic David Eby. "If prices correct to where they were two years ago, there are going to be a bunch of familiesunder water. If prices stay where they are, there are a bunch of families shut out of the real estate market. If prices continue to go up, it gets even worse." http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/province-s-attempt-to-tackle-housing-affordability-still-a-work-in-progress-1.3919791 温哥华几届政府其实都从房价的狂涨中获利良多,地税,新建房屋的许可费用,房屋交易的费用等等,各级政府收的不亦乐乎。房地产是温哥华过去10多年来事实上的支柱产业,尤其是在08年金融危机后更是如此。这10几年间的历届政府都对火热的房地产市场心中窃喜,甚至推波助澜。直到前2,3年才认识到问题开始恶化,但是也没有采取任何的措施;直到16年才终于有了个针对外国炒家的15%,不过这个税最多也就是给沸腾的房地产市场浇了一小瓢冷水,经过短暂的冷却后,这锅水很快的又开始沸腾了。 这位新民主党的David Eby指出了现在房地产问题的关键;如果房价下跌,那么会有很多家庭破产;如果房价保持在现在的水平,那么会有很多家庭永远买不起房子;如果房价继续上涨,那么情况会更糟。也就是说在现阶段不管房价怎么变化总是有人要受伤的,现在才开始控制房地产市场怕是已经太晚了! 这和国内的情形一样一样的!大家都在抱怨高房价,但是在国内也曾多次出现过当开发商试图降低房价销售,结果被一群已经买了房的业主暴力攻击售楼处,不许开发商降价销售的情况。房价涨,大家都受不了;跌,有人要破产;原地踏步,很多人要倒霉。过去10来年国内和温哥华的房价狂涨的具体原因不尽相同,但是根子都是在政府!两个政府都不约而同的实行了土地经济!在没有其他的经济增长点的情况下,房地产成了唯一的亮点。现在问题来了,不论是政府还是老百姓都已经骑虎难下,不管房价如何变动都有人要倒霉!更糟糕的情况是整个经济极端的依赖房地产,如果房地产经济突然崩溃,那么一系列的连锁反应可能会造成巨大的社会动荡! 现在BC省很快就要面临省选,到时候房价肯定是个热点话题。现任的自由党政府一定会在这个问题上被骂的狗血喷头!温哥华最近的一系列抑制房价的措施也多多少少的和这次省选有关。BC省省长Clark说了:“如果你的房子是买来自己住的,那么房价不管怎么变动对你都没什么影响。”,中国的中央经济会议说:“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的。”措辞不同但是山雨欲来的味道是一样一样的! 思路估计也是差不多!养了10几年的猪已经太肥了,现在是时候杀猪过年了!天下的乌鸦是一般黑的呀! 温哥华那些贷款在高位买房的人怕是有一大批要破产了!
1-15-2015 The president of an exclusive Boynton Beach, Fla. auction house pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiring to smuggle rhinoceros horns, elephant ivory and coral to China. Christopher Hayes, president of Elite Estate Buyers, admitted to being part of a conspiracy to falsify shipping documents and use third-parties to get the illegal items out of the country. In one case, prosecutors say, Hayes sold two horns of an endangered black rhinoceros for $80,500 to a Texas man he knew was intent on smuggling them to a Chinese buyer. Two more rhino horns were purchased by an undercover special agent with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Another undercover agent with the FWS consigned two horns for auction. "Not only did Hayes and his company illegally profit from obtaining rhinoceros horns and elephant ivory, but his greed and indifference contributed to the senseless slaughter of these animals," said U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer in a written statement. Hayes, 55, of Wellington, Florida, will be sentenced by Judge Daniel T. K. Hurley on a date yet to be determined. He faces a maximum penalty is five years in prison and a maximum fine of $500,000 for his business, and a maximum fine of $250,000 for himself. The auction house also agreed to pay a $1.5 million fine, and to no longer engage in the receipt, consignment or sale of endangered or protected wildlife, or items containing endangered or protected wildlife, including items containing rhinoceros horn, elephant ivory and red coral.