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分享 汉办撕书,我来唱个反调:撕得好
热度 20 寞洑 2014-8-6 03:11
蒋经国基金会广告词 The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange was established in January 1989 as the first Taiwan-based foundation to provide grants to scholars and institutions in Chinese Studies worldwide. During the past three decades, the Foundation has funded more than 3,000 research projects involving over 700 academic institutions and 2,300 scholars in over 40 countries. These projects have resulted in the completion of over 1,000 scholarly articles, 1,000 books and 1,000 doctoral dissertations. In addition, the Foundation has assisted 92 academic institutions in the United States and Europe in establishing 105 positions in Sinology, Chinese Studies, and Taiwanese Studies, clearly demonstrating its leading role in providing necessary resources for the development of these fields. The Foundation is deeply committed to the perpetuation of Europe’s outstanding sinological traditions, as can be seen in its support of the Chiang Ching-kuo International Sinological Centre at Charles University in Prague, the European Association of Taiwan Studies, Summer Institutes of Sinology in Eastern Europe, the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan located at the University of Tübingen, and of course the outstanding achievements of the European Association of Chinese Studies, including its Biannual Conference, Young Scholar Awards, and Library Travel Grants. The Foundation is also working with Leuven University to host a major workshop on the state of European Sinology. 这个广告词红字部分的问题最大,将汉学分为,中国人研究和台湾人研究,用歧义词,搞台独小动作,用心良苦,其心可诛。汉办主任作为主管汉学推广的技术官僚,在主办方不配合的情况下,如果不撕书,恐怕自己回来都不好交代。 这个广告词第二个问题,是商业化问题,也就是这个广告词的第二段,第二段有打广告招生之嫌。但这个研讨会的最大赞助商是汉办下属“孔子新汉学计划”,恐怕跟“孔子学院”脱不了干系。我出大头赞助,结果你挤进来打对台戏,恐怕谁也不会高兴。我想这也是有传言,孔子学院的人在这个事件中最积极的原因。总之,第一条是关键,台湾岛民一如既往搞小动作,欧洲汉学会汉语不过关失察,最后被最大的金主打脸是必然的,也没啥好叫屈的。 补充事情经过: 汉办主任会议开始前一天晚上到达后,发现宣传材料有问题,要求封存,主办方有意见,但默许汉办人员抱走材料。 第二天主办方以与会代表没有日程为由,要求发放宣传册,最后达成一致,撕掉有争议内容,作为补偿,“孔子新汉学计划”也被撕掉,发放材料。 (可以看出汉办对欧洲汉学会有绝对的影响力。) 主办方不满汉办作为,将撕掉内容还给与会者。
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