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分享 沉鱼落雁啊,我回家啦,今天吃什么?
热度 79 晨枫 2013-5-30 23:32
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22699938 这是关于中国的: 9. Diving fish swooping geese (Chinese) Chen yu luo yan There is a story surrounding the greatest beauty in Chinese history, a woman named Xi Shi. It's said that she was so beautiful that when she looked at fish in a pond, the fish were so dazzled by her beauty that they forgot to swim and gradually dived to the bottom. Likewise, it was said that when geese flew over a woman called Wang Zhaojun, they were so struck by her beauty that they would forget to flap their wings and would end up swooping to the ground. Because of this, to this day, when a young Chinese man is in love with a Chinese woman, he may indicate that, to him, she is as beautiful as Xi Shi or Wang Zhaojun. To do this, he will say just four words: "Diving fish, swooping geese". BBC不知道抽什么风,今天登了世界上10大最常用的亲昵语,相当于英文里的honey或者babe或者法文里的chouchou(这还是第一次听说,孤陋寡闻了)。BBC把一个一个语言都列了一遍,印度尼西亚、泰国都有一席,想想不好意思,中国也要有一个,于是,中国人之间最亲昵的称呼就是……当当当……沉鱼落雁(diving fish swooping geese,这个翻译好像不怎么样啊)。 XDJM们,父老乡亲们,今晚回家,一定要大叫:沉鱼落雁啊,我回家啦!今天晚上我们吃什么?听听那口子是什么反应? 会不会是:沉鱼你个头啊!鱼在冰箱里,还没化呢,今天吃不了啦,咱们出去吃烤鸭吧!
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