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分享 知道的越多越绝望
热度 50 landlord 2018-2-22 16:12
#佛州校园枪击案# 中王小英雄是预备军人会(ROTC)的,他和另外2名遇难的ROTC成员都获得了美军英雄奖章!看来ROTC真是很棒的团体啊! 然后看新闻得知枪手也是ROTC的,就是在那里炼成的好枪法 https://www.democracynow.org/2018/2/21/inside_the_us_military_recruitment_program 讨论这事儿很多人、包括总统、都说应该让校园里允许佩枪。有枪抵抗就不会死这么多人!然后看新闻得知这高中居然还真有佩枪警卫,只是出事儿时他没出来--真是令人绝望的世界啊 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/armed-guard-florida-school-encountered-rampaging-gunman-article-1.3822777
个人分类: 胡说八道|566 次阅读|31 个评论
分享 佛州高中枪击案中华裔遇难男孩Peter Wang今日下葬
热度 62 landlord 2018-2-21 08:04
佛州高中枪击案中华裔遇难男孩Peter Wang今日下葬。 网上关于他的中文报道很多错误,对小英雄最好的纪念方式是实事求是,不要吹捧! 事实如下: 1.他遇难时穿预备军制服"held the door",他表弟和一女同学都证实了; 2.至今有72000多人在白宫网站签名让他以军礼下葬,但未到10万的最低答复人数; https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/allow-cadet-peter-wang-receive-full-honors-military-burial 3.虽然没能军礼下葬,但国旗盖棺放白鸽,有军人穿军装参加他的葬礼; 4.他穿预备军人制服下葬并有美军英雄奖章陪葬,家属有另一枚保存; 5.另外两位遇难的预备军成员也有美军英雄奖章; 6.西点军校追授他为2025届学员。 RIP
个人分类: 心情杂记|381 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 群里的赌城枪击案
热度 53 landlord 2017-10-3 00:03
今天一大早就听说赌城的枪击案。本地的华人枪群(微信)自然热闹, 讨论中有个人跳出来说应该禁枪,群主:“已经把这个蠢货踢出群了!” “枪不杀人,人杀人” 另一个热闹的是女童军的家长“群”。我收到了十几个短信,不同的号码,显然是群发!最后有个人说大家可以用WhatsApp建个群,有人收短信要花钱的! 另,好几个妈妈要求不要对她们的女儿提这个枪击案,不希望让四年级的孩子发现世界的残酷...
个人分类: 心情杂记|595 次阅读|31 个评论
分享 今天下午休斯顿IAH机场B大厅发生枪击案
热度 44 东湖珞珈 2013-5-3 04:47
有个人拿了一只AR15到IAH机场B大厅,冲天放了几枪。一位air marshal开枪,但是没 有打中他。 万幸万幸,这哥们没有搞大屠杀,自己掏出手枪自尽了。否则就机场那么多等安检的人 ,又不知道得死多少。 The suspect walked into the ticket area inside Terminal B around 1:35 p.m. and fired at least two shots into the air with an AR-15 rifle, according to witnesses. A McDonald’s employee who works at the airport saw the whole thing. "As soon as he walked in, he just automatically started shooting quickly," said the employee named Kendra Carrizales. "And we hear two shots and we just automatically started running. We ran all the way to the back."  The HPD source said an air marshal fired at the suspect, but missed. The man then pulled out a pistol and shot himself, the captain said. "We just saw the dude walking in, and he was already suicidal because he put the gun to his head," Carrizales said. http://www.khou.com/news/local/Shots-reportedly-fired-at-Bush-Intercontinental-Airport-205835961.html
2004 次阅读|30 个评论


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