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分享 第三帝国Leichtes Sturmboot 39冲锋舟
热度 31 东湖珞珈 2013-4-4 14:22
今天在“年初四”的二战历史“巴巴罗刹计划”的帖子 http://www.aswetalk.org/bbs/thread-21824-1-1.html 里面意外的看到了一张图,看到了我现在正在折腾的“长尾”马达。 查了一通,找到了,这玩意叫做Leichtes Sturmboot 39冲锋舟, 可以装6个人,或者半吨的物品,能跑出30MPH的高速来。 敢情我折腾了半天,还远远赶不上德国人三十年代的水平。。。 The Leichtes Sturmboot 39 was essentially a small, high-powered assault craft used for river and small waterway crossings and assaults. They were also employed on security and anti-partisan patrols along river ways in occupied territories. Leichtes Sturmboot were very fast, able to achieve about 30mph with the use of an outboard motor extended from the rear of the craft. They were without much protection or firepower though, aside from the possibility of an attached MG at the bow of the vessel and the weapons of the men inside. Leichtes Sturmboot 39 were transported into battle by most German construction and assault engineer units and were used to spearhead river and small waterway assaults, usually in conjunction with an attempt to form a bridgehead for the construction of a bridge. The craft could carry 6 men or about a half-ton of weight. Hundreds of Leichtes Sturmboot 39 were built and used during WWII, and they did not carry specific number or letter identification markings, making a record of individual vessels nearly impossible to compile. 不过这个设计真的比较坑爹,站立着操作马达的士兵就是个活靶子啊!你看这位给吓得
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