2017-3-7 昨天妹妹转过来一个伊妹儿,说是拿到了迈阿密大学的提供的全免学费奖学金: Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, one of the highest academic honors given to incoming students at the University of Miami, which covers full tuition for four years of undergraduate study. In awarding you this scholarship, we recognize your exceptional academic achievements. You were selected from an elite group of students to be part of one of the most talented and diverse classes in the history of the University of Miami. It is also my pleasure to invite you to become a member of the prestigious Foote Fellows Honors Program. As a Foote Fellow, you will have maximum freedom to explore a multitude of educational resources within the curricular framework of your school or college. Foote Fellows have access to unique learning opportunities and educational guidance within their school or college and many are able to pursue additional majors and/or minors, as well as study abroad. 迈阿密大学每年大约授予50-60名新生这类奖学金,是所有300名被邀请去面试学生的1/5,机会还是蛮大的说。 这是像迈阿密大学一样排名在前二十到五十之间的二流学校,和全美一流大学竞争优秀生源的唯一妙招。排名前十之内的学校,提供的学生按需奖学金数额,对中等收入家庭出身的学生,会有更大的诱惑,而对收入富裕的家庭,学费根本不在考虑之内,吸引力也不是很大。所以除非学生特别喜欢迈阿密大学的某一专业,否则仅靠提供奖学金,很难收到全美最顶尖的学生。
2016-10-10 俗话说,男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。在美国高等院校中,麻省理工和康奈尔大学,是学生自杀率最高或曾经最高的大学,油喷、哈佛大学、纽约大学和约翰霍夫金斯大学,也都榜上有名,2004年前后,纽约大学一年内有六名学生自杀。而医学和建筑学,是自杀率高发的专业,而亚裔学生,尤其是男孩子,又是自杀率最高的人群。 康奈尔大学,是美国最有名的自杀大学,因为在常青藤学校中,康内尔是出了名的好进难出,亚历山大, 校园里有一座桥,穿过一条峡谷,连结宿舍区和教学区,秋冬和春冬换季的时候,一些来自世界各地的曾经非常优秀的大学生耐不得青灯古佛,就会接二连三飞蛾赴火般地坠桥自杀,因此 College Magazine把康内尔排在西点军校之前,成为美国压力最大的10所大学之首。尤其是康奈尔的建筑系,盛名之下,必有懦夫,自杀率更是居高不下,学校为此不得不在桥上建立一堵专门的防护网,预防学生自杀。 根据2010年3月16日的一篇文章: Of all the things Cornell University wants to be known for, suicide isn’t among them. And yet, after years of trying to shake the image that it's a “suicide school,” as one official called it Monday, recent deaths have made it difficult not to associate the upstate New York institution with an above-average suicide rate. Cornell became so concerned about this problem that in November 2002 it formed a special mental health-oriented Asian and Asian American Campus Climate Task Force to address the causes behind the high number of suicides and to understand why these students report less satisfaction with their Cornell experience compared with other groups. In addition, in 2004 the Cornell University Council on Mental Health and Welfare was formed to bring broad-based and sustained attention to the mental health of the Cornell community. 再根据2000年2月26日的一篇文章,麻省理工自1964年到2000年之间的36年内,有47名学生自杀,自杀率为10万分之14.6,比全美高校平均10分之6.5-7.5的学生自杀率高一倍, 而麻省理工的本科生更甚,上世纪80年代自杀率高达10万分之21.2,本世纪初仍然高达10万分之12.6。在上世纪80年代,麻省理工学生的自杀率高达10万分之19,而到90年代和2000年代,下降为10万分之10,也仍然高于全国平均水平。可是进入2010年代,自杀率又高达10万分之12.5, 而且仅仅在2014-2015一年,麻省理工就有六位同学自杀,还有一位教授也自杀了。2011年进行的一项调查,包括13所高校,麻省理工学生自杀率第一,哈佛大学自杀率第二,普林斯顿大学,则拒绝提供学生自杀的数据,只说其学生自杀率不高。 MIT has lost 47 students to suicide since 1964, which translates to a rate of 14.6 per 100,000 student years. Over the period examined, MIT’s suicide rate has fallen from well above the national average in the sixties and seventies to below average in the past two decades. MIT’s suicide rate peaked in the 1980s at nearly 19 per 100,000 student years. Throughout the 1990s the rates have been nearly half that of the previous decade at 10 per 100,000 student years. More recently MIT’s suicide rate has been even higher; over the past five years the campus has reported 12.5 suicides per 100,000 students. The increasing rate has been driven by the school’s undergraduate population, whose suicide rate in the past decade has outpaced that of the school’s graduate students — 12.6 to 8.5. 历史上和麻省理工旗鼓相当的哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、加州大学伯克利分校的学生自杀率也居高不下,可是这三所学校缺少1960年以后学生自杀的数据,无法进行横向的比较。由于事涉敏感,家丑不可外扬,主动提供学生自杀数据的高校全美不足15%。大概也都是不得已而为之,例如油喷屁大一点校园仅在2013-2014一年就有四位学生自杀,2013-2016三年中有10位学生自杀,使其快速步入全美学生自杀率最高的大学之列,特别是每年的三月和四月,油喷有自杀高压锅之称,尤其以商学院孔同学的自杀最引人注目: Kong’s death has brought renewed attention to the longstanding issue of mental health at Penn, which has seen10 student suicides since February 2013. 在过去15年内麻省理工的19例自杀学生中,有8例为亚裔,占全部自杀学生的42%, 如果把亚裔学生作为一个整体,过去15年麻省理工亚裔学生自杀率为10万分之29.1,远高于同时期麻省理工全体学生10万分11左右的自杀率,也远高于全美 亚裔学生10万分之12.4的全美高校学生的平均自杀率 。可是这一现象在康奈尔大学更为突出,从1996到2006年的十年间,康奈尔大学共有21名自杀的学生中,亚裔13名,占61%。 Since 2000, the total suicide rate on the MIT campus was 11.2 deaths per 100,000 students.Since 2000, MIT’s suicide rate was 29.1 per 100,000 Asian American students. This is not only nearly four times the overall national average and three times the average for the school, but also more than twice the national average for college-aged Asian Americans (12.4 per 100,000) alone. 根据2016年7月16日的一项研究报告,建筑设计和工程行业的自杀率在美国行业排名中位列第五,农林渔业排名第一。 Rates for each profession were calculated by the number of suicides per 100,000 population. For architecture and engineering, the rate was 32.2. Farming, fishing, and forestry came top of the list, rating 84.5. Other job sectors ranked above architecture were construction and extraction; installation, maintenance and repair; and production. The group that encompassed arts, design, entertainment, sports and media was seventh, with a rate of 24.3. The lowest rate of suicide, 7.5, was found in the education, training and library occupational group. 调查发现, 去年全美有17%的大学生正在寻求或接受焦虑症的治疗,有13.9%则患有抑郁症, 约有十分之一的医学院学生 受不了压力 想自杀。 在今年五月,南加大一名医学院学生自杀死亡。去年,圣地牙哥加大一名医学院大三学生自杀。两年前,哈佛大学一名医学院学生亦是自己结束生命。 虽然,并没有具体数据说明全美目前就读医学院的八万名学生,每年有多少人自杀,但仍有少数的研究显示这个问题很严重。 尽管如此,根据世界卫生组织2012年的资料,在全世界170个国家和地区中,美国大学学生的平均自杀率还相对不高,低于韩国印度日本俄罗斯,和乌拉圭并列第50名。
2015-4-9 这两天负责温斯顿奖学金基金会的一个听起来岁数很大的老太太,一直都在试图地给姐姐打电话,邀请姐姐5月底带上她自己认为很棒的绘画作品,还有DVD去圣路易斯参加全美美术与写作协会的年会基金会发奖仪式和一年一度的戏曲比赛,要求姐姐在会议上做一个讲演和个人作品展览,机票和旅馆都已经给定好了,老太太还要了姐姐学校的选课老师和系主任的联系方式,不厌其烦地说要给姐姐的学校打电话,给姐姐请假。 老太太说温斯顿基金会分管我们这一片的片长,是一个女老师,和姐姐一起去开会,所以路上请不要担心,这位片长曾经是县教育局主管远程外语教育的负责人,该负责人和席一妈也曾有一面之交,并一起吃过一次饭,对席一妈的印象很好。 年轻时的宇航员女片长 老太太说,这位女片长,是一位宇航员。1986年挑战者号出事的时候,这位女片长是这次太空教学飞行任务的第二备胎,大难不死。哇,不可置信,藏龙卧虎也。即便是见多识广的席一妈,也大吃一惊。 不过网上狗一狗,这位宇航员 ,是 弗吉尼亚人 。 Bachelor of Arts from the Virginia University; Master of Arts from the George Mason University; Doctor of education from the Oklahoma State University。 Teacher for French and Spanish at the Thomas Jefferson School in Alexandria, Virginia。 In 1985, semi finalist in the Teacher in Space Project (candidate from Virginia); was one of 10 teachers selected as finalists for the teacher-in-space program. She was right behind Christa McAuliffe and Barbara Morgan. 挑战者号航天飞机出事之后,九名教师宇航员合影 挑战者号航天飞机出事之前,十名教师宇航员合影 据说当年全美有四万七千多名中小学教师申请当宇航员,经过层层筛选,挑出119名合格教师,基本上是每个州选2-3名,作为宇航员库,再从其中挑选出来10名,接受严格的飞行和生理训练。当挑战者号出事以后,Christa 不幸遇难,美国航天局暂时叫停了教师航天飞行项目,鸠迪在美国航天局的任务,也就取消了,不过她最终在2007年,完成了一次太空飞行。
收到本学区给9年级10年级学生家长的一个邮件,关于IB DP的。孩子能提前拿到高年级和大学的学分,当然是好事。报名参加这个会,2月13日晚上去听一听。如果您已经有这方面的经验,利弊各有些什么,能在此分享一下吗?谢谢!我家大窝现在9年级。 This is a message for families of current Grade 9 and 10 students inthe School District who are intent on academic success at university. TheSchool District offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, or 'IB DP', to students looking for an academic university prep programme that: - challenges you with grade 11, 12, and first university curriculum in core subjects, and - earns you up to the equivalent of your first full year of university credits/tuition To learn more about the IB programme and why DP graduates are in such demand at post-secondary institutes like UBC, SFU and around the world, please join us for an IB Information Night for Parents/Guardians, which will be held at: