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分享 787电瓶调查官员将去凤凰城
热度 14 大地窝铺 2013-1-22 03:10
那里有普惠公司的设备测试设施。将在那里进行功能测试和APU内存下载,具体日期未定。周二,将去图森,787电瓶充电器生产厂家Securaplane (Britain's Meggitt Plc下属的一家公司)。 (动作挺快的。) 路透社 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/20/us-boeing-787-utx-idUSBRE90J0H120130120 Investigators to travel to Pratt facility in Phoenix: NTSB WASHINGTON | Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:57pm EST WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - U.S. officials investigating a battery fire on a Boeing Co 787 Dreamliner will travel to Phoenix, Arizona, for equipment tests at a facility run by Pratt Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp, a spokesman for the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said on Sunday. NTSB spokesman Peter Knudson said investigators would carry out functional testing and memory downloads of the auxiliary power unit, or APU, built by Pratt Whitney Power, known as Hamilton Sundstrand until United Technologies took over Goodrich last year. He said he did not have a date for that trip. The safety board earlier ruled out excess voltage as the cause of a battery fire on the 787 at the Boston airport this month. It said investigators would travel on Tuesday to Tucson, Arizona, where the maker of the battery charger, Securaplane, a unit of Britain's Meggitt Plc is based. (Reporting By Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by Maureen Bavdek)
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