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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-4-27 01:13
  • 签到天数: 365 天


    发表于 2014-3-9 11:36:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    另一起海军军舰事故,一名指挥官死亡. P3 K; i8 N( A/ K' K- k$ F. a% k- R
    Indian Navy was hit by yet another mishap on Friday with gas leakage taking place on a ship in Mazagaon Dock Limited in Mumbai, leading to the death of a Commander-rank officer and hospitalisation of some others.2 B6 Z; T  P6 u6 S6 m

    9 m# D7 h9 M% B. \, p! a2 y$ U$ E' J+ a/ |( g0 ^& s
    1 L5 H3 }+ g4 Z
    1 b* [9 _4 Q9 u' ZINS Kolkata-class destroyer ship Yard-701, being built by the MDL, suffered malfunction in its Carbon Dioxide unit while undergoing machinery trials, leading to gas leakage, sources said.
    . h# @& ]1 D3 q& u1 M: j7 o* G" H6 ^
    8 n+ d1 X! y; t' E, e' u
    8 |7 E0 J3 U9 t7 O6 P2 {9 ]0 p/ @# n: K5 I
    One Navy commander died and some others were taken ill and hospitalised in Friday's incident.& `1 }, ]: N+ q6 c( m6 X

    & l6 r4 \& S9 D8 ]1 |* h
    1 _2 u( q6 K$ h; Y+ g) p在周五的事故中,一名海军指挥官死亡,另一些人受伤并被送往医院治疗。% D6 G& q( ~4 S1 x
    7 M7 U4 j% a' v9 O7 v
    The mishap took place just more than a week after fire and smoke incident on INS Sindhuratna off the Mumbai coast, in which two officers lost their lives and seven sailors were taken ill.2 }" @# [! W. i& X
    ) G- C: t2 w  ~1 l. A
    9 T: Z' U* X' H/ s( @
    * q% b/ F/ e: d2 E6 U
    4 s* @( R4 @; P4 L6 p& D+ XThis is the 12th mishap involving Navy's assets over the last seven months.# l5 ]! [6 F9 e0 w: M$ y4 R

    9 C8 p! g* R1 F5 j8 T5 X$ s# J3 E, H
    2 f) G/ h4 ~. j) b6 ?3 Q
    3 x' h1 d$ [& _! Q: {The biggest mishap occurred when the INS Sindhurakshak sank inside the Mumbai harbour killing all 18 personnel on board on August 14.
    1 E2 s4 ~  G; J
    + _# H# \. L/ ?% m- h' O
    3 P# J6 F. \& B1 M# g其中最严重的事故发生在8月14日,印度海军【辛杜拉克沙克号】在孟买港沉没,船上18人全部遇难。# d8 F: k9 F. |& ]4 o. Z$ M

    ( w" o5 s9 T) S! w% a) ~Earlier this month, INS Airavat, an amphibious warfare vessel, ran aground after which the commanding officer was stripped of his command duties.: p! A3 `2 y1 N, }# h

    0 d7 Q2 Z- v$ D  ^
    $ o0 x' m5 m, z本月早些时候,印海军【艾拉瓦特号】两栖登陆舰搁浅,事后指挥官被剥夺了指挥权。
    4 z* g+ b. s1 d& X8 @/ t/ {+ f, y# {. {0 L, _& |9 E
    After the sinking of the INS Sindhurakshak, one of the mishaps involved INS Betwa which was damaged after probably hitting some underwater object.
    5 P, `4 e- o* K* ]! l
    $ W3 L8 O- t  E3 c: ?) w# }
    ( n$ W& ?) W5 d; n8 z【辛杜拉克沙克号】沉没后的又一起事故中,印海军【贝特瓦号】导弹护卫舰在可能是撞到一些水下物体后损坏。
    # H& a$ Y% c+ y1 \9 ^' _  [+ n, P# ]' F% ]! v! n3 ?
    India's leading minesweeper, the INS Konkan that was undergoing repairs in Vizag, also caught fire and suffered major damage to its interiors. The Pondicherry-class minesweeper was getting a refit at a dry dock when the incident occurred.
    4 d3 v6 }& z0 W+ z8 M0 k. U+ v4 u: l1 x/ p5 W
    ' ^$ M" h+ m+ t, ~
    印度的主要扫雷艇,【康坎号】,在【威扎吉】(钢铁厂)维修时起火,内部损毁严重。事故发生时这艘【本地治里级】扫雷艇正在干船坞整修。/ ~8 u$ X( e6 E

    2 b$ I  g( O4 h5 O( V! iAfter the Sindhuratna incident on February 26, Navy Chief Admiral D K Joshi resigned taking "moral responsibility" over the spate of mishaps involving naval warships.5 F3 p# T. U. d: T. S
    / z3 x# h0 Y* B/ E

    7 b0 z3 v! B- J0 l: m5 u8 r2月26号的【辛杜拉克沙克号】事故发生后,为了对大量事故(其中包括印度军舰)负起“道德责任”,海军司令德文德拉·库马尔·乔希辞职。& L, t* D& y& O- h* l  ?0 z
    8 D" `0 B" f/ qwww.ltaaa.com/wtfy/12421.html


    参与人数 1爱元 +4 收起 理由
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  • TA的每日心情
  • 签到天数: 3129 天


    发表于 2014-3-9 14:46:48 | 只看该作者
    没啥说的,指挥官身先士卒,在两起事故中均有牺牲,是军人的榜样。$ e# H  t4 Y1 a0 B" K
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-7 14:31
  • 签到天数: 796 天


    发表于 2014-3-9 16:57:00 | 只看该作者
    有牙老虎 发表于 2014-3-9 14:46 9 O& z3 ~# c$ k  |, w+ {# w
    4 D1 C, M1 e2 m2 l ...
    ! I# l: ^$ ^" @1 P9 T# G
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-3 12:57
  • 签到天数: 1085 天


    发表于 2014-3-9 20:41:27 | 只看该作者
    " j, O1 \0 U& a' W* v# r看来拖拉还是有好处的,否则反应堆装上了。。。。
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-7-7 14:47
  • 签到天数: 1124 天


    发表于 2014-3-9 20:59:03 | 只看该作者


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