As a military thumb rule, an attacker has to deploy three soldiers for every one of the defender in the plains. As the altitude increases, the ratio increases to 9:1 for mountain warfare. "Our troops are better placed and prepared for the long haul," he added.
Inspite of China''s biggest army they will not dare into misadvanture because they know what loss and casualties they may have to suffer in view of many of their investments in countries around India.Instead of going into open war India should stick to its polite rhetorics with plans for future blocking of china''s trade with her.Besides, china is a beligerant country.It is quite unprefictable when and how they turn.So India must have its all preparedness to withstand any attack. We the Indian people should get united to encourage Indian army to boost up their morale.
1st of all India cannot back out bcoz India is at a strategically better location at Dokalam than China that it cannot afford to loose and 2nd if India ditches Bhutan at this stage it will never trust India after that.
War or no war China has more to loose than India.
India is sending message to all the nations in South China sea that are extremely scared of China (see the result of the latest ASEAN summit), Japan, EU & US that India is the only country standing up to China and hence, the worthy competitor.
India Also have a moral advantage as it is fighting not for self but for a poor and weak country like Bhutan. This would lead to stronger bond with many countries sharing border with China who have been bullied by China for long. This will have far reaching Military and Economic implications for India.
IF China wages a war it will seem as an aggressor and will loose face further . That's why China is making lots of noise so that India backs out without China have to resort to military power. India is doing an amazing job of not making noise and further perpetuate the situation while silently strengthening its on ground position.
Last but not the least India of now is different from India of 1962. We are better prepared both Militarily and Economically with friends like US, Japan and a lot of goodwill as we have never been an aggressor like China.
Last but the not the least, my beloved fellow India
countrymen this is the single biggest challenge in recent times. Lets trust our govt and support it totally. Let's stay United, talk in one voice, minimize use of Chinese products even if it means little inconvenience for us. Lets be confident that we will emerge victorious.作者: jellobean 时间: 2017-8-7 21:12
A3在平地?作者: 糊里糊涂 时间: 2017-8-7 21:47
你还没看阿三公知是怎么讽刺挖苦阿三国的,比中国公知骂中国还狠。作者: 关中农民 时间: 2017-8-7 21:49
显然还是二战思维,真正占据需要兵力,可是打仗现在真不是靠兵力啦,三个几十年不长进啊作者: 老财迷 时间: 2017-8-7 21:57
这次手贱的结果不算差啊:笑得我肚子都疼了 作者: 红茶冰 时间: 2017-8-7 22:03
国内有家叫三泰虎的网站专门翻译阿三论坛言论,去哪看就知道啥是人傻欢乐多~作者: 齐若散 时间: 2017-8-7 22:50
这怎么是浪费时间呢,何况你还欢乐得停不下来。作者: 五月 时间: 2017-8-7 23:09