仁 发表于 2016-2-29 21:34
山菊 发表于 2016-3-2 03:34
仁 发表于 2016-3-1 20:20
力所不逮啊。harmonia 会不会是harmonic之误?那样就是说,所唱不是交响,只是和声;不是二重唱而是合唱 ...
石工 发表于 2016-3-1 23:04
我只看了第一首,不敢说看懂了,但并不妨碍欣赏。从track和rail出发,我是按废弃铁轨-寂寞- ...
山菊 发表于 2016-3-3 02:57
昨晚我想了一下,对音乐术语不熟悉,直译有困难。所以就凑合来了个'伪古风 ...
山菊 发表于 2016-3-3 02:50
仁 发表于 2016-3-1 20:20
力所不逮啊。harmonia 会不会是harmonic之误?那样就是说,所唱不是交响,只是和声;不是二重唱而是合唱 ...
石工 发表于 2016-3-2 22:12
第二首的解读关键就是标题。Lazarus中文译作拉撒路(新教)或者拉匝禄(天主教),是 ...
一瘦半百斤, But it was not the lack
一别四十年。 of fifty pounds or forty years;
君形寄鸽子, the trick was in the dove
谁其能释然。 and in the vision to set it free.
仁 发表于 2016-3-4 09:29
'Tracks' is about the night time gathering of fireflies near the railroad tracks of my boyhood home.
Fireflies love railroad tracks but they only appear at dusk.
The 'gilded master' is the sun. 'Master's heralds' are the birds.
When the tracks are heating up, they are quiet. But as they cool, they make a variety of interesting noises. It doesn't take a a lot of imagination to hear them singing or to see the fireflies as dancing.
As in all things, the lonely congregate together. But only common understanding grants solace.
That is why sitting in the midst of a gathering of fireflies is very comforting. They are a lot like poets.
It occurs to me that it would be better to change the name of this poem to
Thank you for your interest.
莹火虫的舞会 is a better name.
Change this line:
'We exist to serve the day.'
'They exist to serve the day.'
That should make the meaning clearer.
I promise to leave you alone now.
仁 发表于 2016-3-4 09:29
I realized after I sent you 'Lazarus at the mall' that it is a little difficult to understand particularly if one is not familiar with American slang.
Here is what the poem describes:
A man in his 60's and overweight by 20 kilos sees a young woman in the mall who was once attracted to him. She was shy and timid and frightened of him and he became bored with her and told her to go away.
But when he sees her now, she is very different--happy, confident, beaming, radiant---because she is with her new lover.
Seeing her, the man realizes that, in effect, he killed her spirit and that she has been brought back to life by her new lover and that he could have had the same if only he had realized that all he needed to do was set her free.
The couple does not see him because he is hiding behind a column. The woman is so happy that her voice sounds like birdsong. They are walking and talking and their laughter is painful to him as though he is being beaten.
The word, 'spoke', has two meanings there--one is the image of the bird singing, the other is to dramatically illustrate. For example, your tai qi speaks to master's skill as a teacher.
'lack of' means that the young woman came back to life not because her new lover was young and thin, unlike the old man, but because he let her be free.
The reference to 'Jesus wept' is from the Bible. It is the story of Lazarus. He died because Jesus was absorbed in his ministry and did not come when Lazarus's sisters asked him to. When he did come and saw Lazarus's dead face, he realized he was responsible and he wept.
仁 发表于 2016-3-4 09:29
I realized after I sent you 'Lazarus at the mall' that it is a little difficult to understand particularly if one is not familiar with American slang.
Here is what the poem describes:
A man in his 60's and overweight by 20 kilos sees a young woman in the mall who was once attracted to him. She was shy and timid and frightened of him and he became bored with her and told her to go away.
But when he sees her now, she is very different--happy, confident, beaming, radiant---because she is with her new lover.
Seeing her, the man realizes that, in effect, he killed her spirit and that she has been brought back to life by her new lover and that he could have had the same if only he had realized that all he needed to do was set her free.
The couple does not see him because he is hiding behind a column. The woman is so happy that her voice sounds like birdsong. They are walking and talking and their laughter is painful to him as though he is being beaten.
The word, 'spoke', has two meanings there--one is the image of the bird singing, the other is to dramatically illustrate. For example, your tai qi speaks to master's skill as a teacher.
'lack of' means that the young woman came back to life not because her new lover was young and thin, unlike the old man, but because he let her be free.
The reference to 'Jesus wept' is from the Bible. It is the story of Lazarus. He died because Jesus was absorbed in his ministry and did not come when Lazarus's sisters asked him to. When he did come and saw Lazarus's dead face, he realized he was responsible and he wept.
山菊 发表于 2016-3-5 00:04
Here comes the answers:
For the first poem:
鹤梦白云上 发表于 2016-3-4 20:55
作者有没有提出不要署名。这个最好要征询一下本人的意见,如果作者同意署名,照理是要署名的。 ...
山菊 发表于 2016-3-6 00:49
作者正在学中文,所以希望能有个中文版本,他可以标上拼音学习。可是这两首 ...
鹤梦白云上 发表于 2016-3-4 20:55
作者有没有提出不要署名。这个最好要征询一下本人的意见,如果作者同意署名,照理是要署名的。 ...
山菊 发表于 2016-3-8 04:30
你的译文也给作者啦,他说要用来参加中文学校的演出呢 ...
鹤梦白云上 发表于 2016-3-7 18:33
月下 发表于 2016-3-18 12:21
月下 发表于 2016-3-17 23:21
月下 发表于 2016-3-18 06:27
月下 发表于 2016-3-19 05:16
做个比喻。面前有个紫檀木做的盒子, ...
鹤梦白云上 发表于 2016-3-19 09:45
月下不妨把自己的联想讲出来,这里并没有人限制你。包括作者的自注并不能限制读者的理解。我讲的漫漶无边 ...
月下 发表于 2016-3-19 10:26
不想讲。这几首诗所构建的诗歌内部逻辑是很简单的,没什么值得讲的地方。几处用词意象和想象很棒,但解释 ...
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