If the Commission determines after such investigation that there is reasonable cause to believe that the charge is true, the Commission shall endeavor to eliminate any such alleged unlawful employment practice by informal methods of conference, conciliation, and persuasion. Nothing said or done during and as a part of such informal endeavors may be made public by the Commission, its officers or employees, or used as evidence in a subsequent proceeding without the written consent of the persons concerned. . .
If. . . the Commission has been unable to secure from the respondent a conciliation agreement acceptable to the Commission, the Commission may bring a civil action against any respondent. . . named in the charge.
对Mach Mining比较有利的是,所有遇到过这个问题的联邦上诉法院都基本站在它一边,其中第四、六、十巡回庭在以往判例中都认定EEOC的调解行为必须有诚意,法院也可以检查这一点,第二、五、十一巡回庭则进一步要求EEOC必须先向雇主解释它为什么认为雇主进行了歧视,然后给雇主一个改正的机会,最后如果雇主的回答态度合理(reasonable)的话EEOC还也需要给一个合理而灵活(reasonable and flexible)的答复,这样才算进行了法律要求的调解。
这个结论初看起来是各打五十大板,双方都可以自称胜利,雇主方可以说终于得到了最高法院认定EEOC不能为所欲为,EEOC方也可以说最高法院大大限制了法院对它的检查。但细看的话,这个判决书其实和第七巡回庭的结论并没有特别大的差别——不允许使用调解内容作证据,即使对EEOC不满意也只能要求重新调解,拒绝使用“诚意”之类的标准——,也就是在原则上认可法院检查EEOC而已,实际上EEOC只要给个宣誓声明,说它做了“起码的交流”(通知内容那一条似乎很好检查,也很好满足),“一般来说”就可以通过了。所以有评论认为这个判决对于EEOC来说就是一个slap on the wrist——高高举起,轻轻落下。