Remember that we in America do not "elect" our President. The Electoral College does and is not required to go by the popular vote. Similarly when Bush '43 won his first election.... he lost the popular vote to Al Gore.
Similarly China like the USA is a Republic. They have elections and for many reasons it is not binded to a "popular" vote. For example their National Congress elects their President.
In the end this whole democracy thing we Americans promote is nothing but a farce. Look at Palestine, Egypt... and many other countries that created democratic elections at our insistence.
In the end when the party we Americans do not want in power - we still work against that country because those in power do not bow down to our commands.
Bottom line is the Chinese citizens love their government, with nearly a 90% approval rating that is the highest known of any government. Compare that to the USA with POTUS under 50% and Congress in the teens. If there were social revolution it would be more likely to occur here in the USA rather than China.
For all the harm we have done to the Persians.
I would like to think we could get over our hatred.
For some reason our ethnocentric nature blended with geopolitics keep us in the trap of wanting to harm people like the Persians because they are not us and do not do what we tell them to.
Personally, I appreciate nations like Iran that tell us what it is. That do not bow down and pledge some fake friendship like some other nations.
Let's find mutual common ground with Iran and build a strong relationship from there. Our racist hatred based on false beliefs fed by our American propaganda/media machine needs to stop creating enemies.