左轮枪有Single-action和Double-Action之说。老式电影里牛仔们的枪都是Single-action。就是说扳机只管激发子弹,要转动弹鼓的话,得自己用手去拨。现在的基本都是Double-Action了。也就是说,扳机能把激发和转动弹鼓的活都干了。当然,这样的话,食指用力很大,不容易打准,一般还是用手先扳一下Hammer,然后再扣扳机。作者: 茉莉 时间: 2013-2-3 14:14
Come and Take it 是德州独立战争里的一句著名的话,那时候说的是一门大炮
现在用在禁枪上很搞笑哈哈作者: 抱朴仙人 时间: 2013-2-3 14:14
看着真替嘉木那小细肩膀担心,这后坐力会不会把美女震散架了呀作者: nightcat 时间: 2013-2-3 14:25
So, having a swimming pool in a household is something like 21.6 to 27.8 times as likely to lead to an accidental death as having a firearm, when we look at the numbers for all age groups. For children less than 15, the difference is more like 52.8 to 68.0 times as likely.
one of them is still almost twice as likely to fatally back over a child as a firearm is to accidentally shoot a child. (0.072 versus 0.039 per 100,000)作者: Highway 时间: 2013-2-5 00:31
tanis 发表于 2013-2-5 00:17
So, having a swimming pool in a household is something like 21.6 to 27.8 time ...
PRO Gun的组织有很多很多这样的数据,其实有的也不全是“狡辩”。所以想把这些人说服基本上是Mission Impossible.作者: 东湖珞珈 时间: 2013-2-5 00:45
NRA jsut needs to use its money to control the vote~~ And it's been working for over 100 years.作者: tanis 时间: 2013-2-5 03:50 本帖最后由 tanis 于 2013-2-5 03:51 编辑