【作者言论】首先,一定要有饱满的热情和必胜的信念——这是我多年来烧菜不断从成功走向更加成功的真经。You will when you believe.
将一块上好雪花牛肉平放在案板上,你背北朝南盘坐于牛肉前方,双手手心向上,各握番茄一只。双眼聚焦于牛肉正中心处,由此处开始,缓慢将目光移向牛肉的四个角落,再移回中心,就好像目光在给牛肉做轻柔的按摩。当然,如果喜欢吃比较软烂服帖的牛肉,你的目光当中就要多一些命令。同时,心中发反复默念:牛肉,你要乖。此阶段的交流非常重要,如果把默念变成出声的交流也可,但注意语调要平和、有力度,不要惊吓到牛肉,也不要让它觉得你没有determination。记住:The more demanding your eyes are, the more tender the beef will be. The more parental love you dedicate into the interaction, the better the beef will behave. Lack of determination in your eyes or absent-minded interaction will lead to total failure, even worse, disaster - beef will never listen to you again。