So it’s not normal for the world to simply have a unipolar power. That was not – that was an anomaly. It was a product of the end of the Cold War, but eventually you were going to reach back to a point where you had a multipolar world, multi-great powers in different parts of the planet.
holycow 发表于 2025-2-2 16:45
正因为懂王的多极世界观,才有必要吞并加拿大。毒品只是借口,关税只是手段 ...
mezhan 发表于 2025-2-2 19:27
晨枫 发表于 2025-2-3 07:10
我倒是觉得特朗普对51州没有那么执着,他只想从加拿大白嫖一把,因为加拿大对他的关税基本上没办法,而关 ...
凡卡 发表于 2025-2-3 04:12
反正就只能干四年,川普的性格就是占便宜占尽,欺负好欺负的,休想让我啃硬骨头,美加关系死不死跟我有个 ...
晨枫 发表于 2025-2-4 01:09
所以他就是白嫖加拿大一把,哪有那么多深谋远虑。加拿大要是自觉成为第51州,绝对笑纳;要不不肯,接着白 ...
sumigdai 发表于 2025-2-4 05:37
加拿大变51州,2个参议员,几十个众议员名额共和党能拿几个?共和党能干这事? ...
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