8 n; W/ M# K; i" P @& |Near St. Louis in April 1918, a mob seized Rober Prager, a young man whose only discernible offense was to have been born in Germany. He had, in fact, tried to enlist in the American Navy but had been rejected for medical reasons. Stripped, bound with an American flag, dragged with barefoot and stumbling through the streets, Prager was eventually lynched to the lusty cheers of five hundred patriots. A trial of the mob's leaders followed, in which the defendants wore red, white, and blue ribbons to court, and the defense counsel called their deed "patriotic murder". The jury took twenty-five minutes to return a verdict of not guilty./ D% Q5 X( P' |( V/ A8 V6 ]9 J
`: o$ _5 p; n3 R& ~' F
二战时,对德裔尤其是最近的德国移民的忠实的猜测怀疑也有,但是对日裔的种族偏见要强得多,加上德裔的人数巨大,没有出现象日裔(包括出生在美国的日裔美国公民)那样被圈起来,关到集中营的情况。 & S* y; \4 r0 ?1 w" E1 ~5 g9 R6 | ) P# w, T6 o7 y9 _作者: 到处停留的叶子 时间: 2012-3-24 04:43
Dracula 发表于 2012-3-23 13:49 b# i3 l( {- E好文章,补充几句。/ E) S. B& P) N
" g0 Y5 }9 y. {5 h5 s" w从1839年开始,部分是为了吸引移民,美国的好多州允许在公立学校里进行英语,德语双语 ...
* }. [* ?! w' v5 E谢谢,这本书写得挺好,挺客观的。我就是摘录和小结自己比较有印象的部分。/ W( p w; u2 Z9 d* X c; V9 G
8 p0 s4 X, g1 u- B9 P) q/ J4 Q6 E