脸书上的全国读书周(National Book Week)活动
本帖最后由 九九 于 2011-4-27 02:21 编辑有人post了这个活动,蛮好玩的:
It's National Book Week. The rules: Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 56,post the fifth sentence as your status. Don't mention the title. Copy the rules as part of your status.
"A multiplet of this type is called a quartet "
two figures in Page 56.
In page 57:
In connection with the costruction of the church of Sainte Genevieve in Paris, questions as to the proper cross-sectional dimensions of pilars arose, and the opinions of the leading French architects and engineers were divided. 回复 不爱吱声 的帖子
坛主是建筑学领域的?{:3_41:} 回复 九九 的帖子
The book :History of strength of materials
My major is Engineering Mechanics 故曰“安民可与行义,而危民易与为非”,此之谓也。:lol 本帖最后由 海天 于 2011-4-28 08:41 编辑
回复 九九 的帖子
呵呵,page 56有半页是数据表
第五句:However, the power consumption records of salicylic acid and milled paracetamol deviated too much from the typical curve of Leuenberger.
书名:“Multivariate statistical modelling of the pharmaceutical process of wet granulation and tableting” 回复 PenPen 的帖子
有趣,求书名:D 回复 九九 的帖子
那页是一张白纸 :lol:lol。 回复 穿越 的帖子
回复 九九 的帖子
《史记》里的秦始皇本纪 {:2_33:} 我的是:
是书,可这页是幅画。 回复 穿越 的帖子
你们真是心有灵犀…… “Learn the language and respect the people. Then you will know what China is really like." 我兴冲冲地抓起,又放下,我的是下册,,,:L 开头就是187页了 回复 yynil 的帖子
Frost covered the chariot track and the strawberry fields. 来自The Titan’s Curse 第五章。
手边在看的就这本,哈哈,其实是499分了,还差一分啊,看CCUP啊 {:191:} 晕,买了泳装的2金币,又掉初中生了,惨 56页第5行:
alpha,beta,gamma,delta,epsilon,zeta,eta,theta,kappa,lambda,mu,nu,xi,pi,rho,sigma,tau,upsilon,phi,chi,psi,omega. 很大程度上,这种概念的混淆源于中世纪时教规对于银行利息的禁律。 孔颖达疏:“言随变而应,屈曲委细,成就万物。”