本帖最后由 晨枫 于 2011-10-12 20:48 编辑为了不走样,特意原文摘录,原文请见。这里先不评论,抛砖引玉。只说一句:美国看来对保卫台湾已经灰心了,对保卫日本都信心不足。
As China’s military modernization progresses, the U.S. ability to confidently accomplish these missions is eroding. In the near term, China is deploying capabilities that threaten U.S.land and sea power projection platforms—air bases and aircraft carriers—as well as Taiwan’s own defenses. Absent an unlikely reversal in the ongoing rebalancing of military power in the area, and even recognizing the very considerable difficulties in mounting an amphibious assault against determined local resistance, a direct defense of Taiwan has already become a challenge and is likely to become increasingly difficult in coming years.
Growth in China’s military capabilities, particularly its naval, air, and missile power projection forces, will steadily increase the costs of dealing with a contingency of this kind.Absent a general U.S. withdrawal from the Western Pacific or a dramatic reduction in Japan’s own self-defense capabilities, however, direct defense of Japan should remain a credible—if increasingly challenging—strategy for the next twenty to thirty years.
Generally speaking, direct defense by U.S. forces as an operational option is feasible at present, though confidence in this varies from the South China Sea (high) to North Korea (medium) to Taiwan (medium-low).
Barring unforeseen technological developments that assure survivability for U.S. forces and C4ISR, it will not be possible or affordable for the United States to buck these trends. As the defense of Taiwan is already becoming problematic for U.S. forces (e.g., carriers and nearby air bases), so will U.S. operational options in the event of a confrontation with China over North Korea’s collapse and a crisis in Southeast Asia.
With the passage of time and improvement of Chinese capabilities, the United States will find itself forced to shift from deterrence by denial, based on direct defense of its interests and allies in the Western Pacific, to deterrence by punishment, based on the threat of escalation, using longer-range weapons and more survivable platforms.
deterrance by denial意为直接保卫,不让对方得逞,以此作为威慑的基础;deterrance by punishment意为用大规模报复尤其是(核)升级作为威慑的基础。文中谈到对中国已经不再可能形成单方面的“惩罚”,只有互相毁灭式的威慑。
美国的最好武器是MAED,mutually assured economic destruction,但是:
The economic consequences of a Sino-American conflict could be historically unparalleled, even if both sides avoid economic warfare. This is a powerful mutual deterrent, one marginally in the U.S. favor at present. Strengthening the U.S. economy is the best way of ensuring that the balance of interdependence and of the associated deterrence does not shift dangerously against the United States over the next several decades.
While the risk of conflict with China cannot be ignored, neither should it be exaggerated. Any number of other conflicts are more likely, some in places we cannot even vaguely foresee at present, just as no one foresaw our engagement in the Balkans in 1989, our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq on September 10, 2001, or our current commitment in Libya as recently as six months ago.
估计李总光耀也是心里有谱,最近言论倒很多 有没有可能是故意放出来忽悠人的? 我也怀疑他们是故意拿出来,企图让中国放松警惕 PenPen 发表于 2011-10-12 01:47 static/image/common/back.gif
忽悠人还是不忽悠人,要看说得是否有道理。忽悠人的东西是可以看出破绽的。 空气精灵 发表于 2011-10-12 02:02 static/image/common/back.gif
你要是看完整个报告,就不会这么说了。我还在看,觉得不像是忽悠人的。另外,兰德的记录很严谨,基本上没有在政策性问题上忽悠人的事情。 战争的唯一危险来自于两国国内的政治问题。如果国内压力不大,美国和中国都会从容选择战略撤退和僵持作为实力不足的补偿。不过,当国内矛盾激化到一定程度,战争就会变成选项。
希望两国人民和政治家有足够的智慧和理性看待中美实力的潮涨潮落。 我觉得美国主要是不想把战争扩大。如果只是低烈度冲突,中国可能还能应付;如果真的撕破脸,中国肯定不是美国的对手。不用打核战,只要用货币战争就把中国K掉了。 会不会重新武装日本?毕竟有过先例的 --- 面对红星帝国的庞大鸭梨,他们把枪还给了德国人。。。 现在面对五星帝国的崛起,指不定哪天心眼一歪,就“顺理成章”地让日本脱离武装占领,理由很充足的:
既然是以“威慑”为主么,就没有必要保持那么多的军事基地,只要在关键节点上保留一两个强大的海空基地 -- 像关岛或者迪戈加西亚群岛基地 -- 就足矣。。。
美国上层其实并不缺乏智慧,他们缺乏的只是强有力的领导人去真正实行。。。 魔术师 发表于 2011-10-12 08:47 static/image/common/back.gif
我觉得美国主要是不想把战争扩大。如果只是低烈度冲突,中国可能还能应付;如果真的撕破脸,中国肯定不是美 ...
报告里专门有一段谈经济战,结论是两败俱伤,所以提出Mutually Assured Economic Destruction概念,对等于核战时代的Mutually Assured Destruction。 兰德公司是为谁服务的啊?这个公司的资金是谁出的啊? 猫元帅 发表于 2011-10-12 19:00 static/image/common/back.gif