海外逸士 发表于 2014-6-15 22:53:58

A Poem for Fun (16)

Under a French arcade,
There was a file of brigade
Of the fiercest crusade,
Waving the bright blade,
In capes of brocade,
With fringes like cascade.
Helmets adorned with jade,
Looking like king of spade.
Then farewell they bade,
And marched to the glade,
Playing the serenade,
In glorious parade,
The roads to blockade,
pedestrians forbade.
Other states they did invade,
And ancient wars they made,
No one could them dissuade.
They threw a lot of grenade,
And passengers to evade.
Streams they did wade,
And rested in the tree shade,
Cooled in wind of trade.
They drank the lemonade,
And ate bread of marmalade.
At last their halo did fade,
After a victorious decade.

山菊 发表于 2014-6-17 02:07:12

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